The Plan

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Adrian slammed the front door closed with a smidgen too much force, resting back against the wooden surface and dragging a hand across his face. He released a slow breath and turned his head towards his mate.

"Well that was a shit show," he said blandly. Helena sent him a wry smile, pushing her hair off of her forehead.

"It could have gone far worse to be honest. That was an unexpectedly pleasant outcome," she replied, dramatically shedding her outdoor clothing. Adrian joined her and slipped off his own shoes, neatly placing them beside her haphazardly thrown boots. She didn't even wait for him as she disappeared into the kitchen and began raiding his pantry.

"Get out the butter and cheese while you're in there and leave some of the ham. I need it for tomorrow," Adrian called, following her into the kitchen and pulling two plates out of the cupboard along with a pair of mugs. One was large and a plain grey, the other a dark plum, with chips along its rim. He regarded the smaller mug with a degree of resignation, his blue eyes flickering towards the door that led the where the clicking of jars emanated. 

Recently he'd noticed that Helena's things were slowly invading his home. The purple vessel was an item of hers, along with several books in his lounge, a patchwork blanket on the back of his chair and about ten jars of rather unusual spices that stood on his shelves. He was unsure of whether he was grateful for the intrusion or whether he was mildly disturbed by it. While he appreciated her continued presence in his life, she had absolutely ghastly taste in crockery and it clashed horribly with everything else he owned.

Helena re-emerged with arms laden with goods and they were soon sat at the table, plates loaded and mugs full.

"It was still a bad situation earlier," Adrian suddenly said. "I am sorry on behalf of my pack. Members of our alpha family should not treat you that way."

Helena swallowed her bite of food and sipped her drink.

"It's fine. Packs will be packs and rogues will be rogues. I am used to being treated as an outcast and the Montis have done admirably well to put up with me. I was honestly surprised by the amount of support I received earlier, even if I did emotionally manipulate them a little. Rogues can be dangerous and unpredictable by nature; it's understandable for most to still be suspicious and wary of me."

Adrian was quiet for a long while, his brows furrowed and his expression mildly pained.

"You are stronger and kinder than any wolf that treats you like a second class citizen because of ignorant stereotypes," he muttered lowly. "You deserve respect just like any other wolf."

Helena picked at her food, her knee nudging his under the table. Adrian was very aware of the contact, but he didn't react and just watched her evenly.

"It's alright Adrian. I chose to remain a rogue; the consequences of my choice are my own. I can handle insults, disapproving looks and the odd passive-aggressive stand off. I know my limits," she said softly, almost to comfort him.

His hand slid across the table and took hers, squeezing it lightly.

"I know." 

Neither of them moved their hand away as they continued eating, a subtle quiet overtaking the room. Helena only spoke again when her plate was clear of food, her knife placed in the centre of the disc.

"I'm going to visit the den tomorrow, hopefully the alphas will be in a good mood after today," she said lightly.

"They should be. Then you'll be all set for Semul at least. Have you thought more about how you're going to investigate?"

"A little. I think at first I'll stick with you and the Montis, observing the other alphas for anything fishy. I imagine that Neron will be at the summit since its a convenient time to meet up with his sponsors, so I'll keep an eye out for him. If possible I might see if I can hire a vampire to do a little spying for me and perhaps I'll visit the city taverns for rumours," she listed with a focused determinism, her tone cold and impersonal.

"That sounds like a decent plan. Hopefully you'll make a lot of headway while we're there," Adrian agreed. "Anyway, who exactly is Neron? I know he's a member of the Angor, but why is he trying to reinstate it? Why not another Angor Wolf? Surely they'd all benefit from the money and business."

Helena looked away for a short moment, her expression dark and her lips pinched into a firm scowl. Adrian wasn't sure what the exact emotion on her face was, yet the sadness and anger was clearly visible. 

"He was the alphas' second son. Before the Angor fell, the eldest son was next in line to be alpha, however I believe he perished along with his family, leaving Neron as the next in line. I have no idea why he wants to bring them back, perhaps he wants the money, the power; maybe he wants to do what he believes is his duty in the memory of the family he lost. Whatever his reason, I cannot allow him to bring back the Angor.

"Their ways were too cruel, too vicious. This world we live in now needs peace, not fear. Our ancestors fought for the freedom and the security we have, but the Angor disrupted the balance and put it all under threat. With them, the rich could afford to kill anyone that opposed them, forcing the poorer, weaker groups to submit to their rule despite the Pariter treaty. The covens and packs of the world feared one another, causing rifts between them, when the only way we can truly move forward is to protect one another and forge alliances."

A heavy, thick mist of silence filled the room as Adrian processed her words. His grip on her hand grew tighter and his thumb rubbed her calloused palm in small circles.

"I remember what things were like before," he said in a hushed voice, "and I agree that he should be stopped if that is his ultimate goal. If there's anything I can do, anything at all, I would be happy to help you Lena."

Helena smiled at him and pulled his hand towards her. Her eyes darted up to meet his and she leant forward, pressing her lips against his knuckles.

"Thank you."

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