The Market Place

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Upon returning to the inn, Adrian spent little time dawdling as he rushed up to his room, holing himself up without giving an explanation to the bewildered Helena. For a few minutes she stood outside, listening intently for anything that might tell her more, but when only silence met her ears, she gave up with a sigh.

The floor creaked as she made her way back down the corridor, ducking into her room check on her blade. Finding it safely tucked away, some of the stress in her body was relieved, however most of it remained like an almost permanent jacket that was a size too small, cutting into her arms and constricting her every breath.

The next few days were lonely for Helena. Felix was still not talking to her, although he did seem to be coming around, occasionally sending her a wave or a morning greeting. Meanwhile, Adrian was reticent, only appearing from his room at meals and at the summit. The rest of the time he remained by himself, staying mostly mute even when around the rest of the party. Some evenings Helena would sit outside his bedroom door, having a quiet one-sided conversation with him until she felt her eyes grew tired and her voice weak.

That night, she rested her head back against the wood.

"Adrian. I'm heading to bed in a minute," she murmured, "just know that if you ever feel ready, I am here. Whatever is upsetting you, if you think talking about it will help at all, then I will listen to however much or however little you want to say."

For the first time in many nights, she heard shifting from inside the small room. Footsteps crossed the floorboards and the door opened a small crack. Helena looked up, finding a pair of bloodshot eyes staring down at her.

"Thank you," Adrian finally spoke, his voice strained by stress or a lack of use. She could see him take a deep breath, his cheeks unshaven and haggard. "Thank you, Lena. Soon. Soon I'll be ready, I promise."

Helena pushed herself to her feet, her face now closer to his.

"Don't rush yourself. Sleep well."

She sent him a small smile.

"You too." Came the quiet reply, along with a weak quirk of the lips. Adrian then closed the door again, leaving Helena to her own devices.

The morning arrived with rain. The Montis wolves and Helena were all crowded in the Lonesome Succubus' reception, staring out at the falling sky with their expressions ranging from exhaustion to pure loathing. Helena was in the loathing category, internally yelling at the sky as it drummed down on the roof above.

"Well I suppose we should just go for it," Hermine said, looking a little worse for wear. Ed grimaced scratching his ear.

"It's so grim. The hall is going to stink of damp dog," he grumbled, earning a reproachful look from his fellow alpha.

"Edgard. I've just spent the last ten minutes retching over a toilet. We are going to the summit even if it kills you. I have meetings planned and you're not going to drop out because of a little bit of water. Get you cloak on and then we're going."

No one wanted to disagree with their alpha and everyone shuffled off to grab their things. Helena was still in a foul mood as she pulled on her black cloak, fastening it at the throat and pulling the hood over her head.

Outside, the wind buffeted them as soon as they stepped out into the open air, cold droplets of water soaking their clothes in an instant.

By the time they reached the summit, everyone was soaked through on one side of their body, courtesy of the wind, and the pleasant aroma of damp dog greeted them. Helena peeled her cloak from her skin, dodging to the side as Petrine shook her hair out, flicking flecks of water all around everyone stood around her.

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