The Agreement

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Bones cracking, joints popping, teeth retreating, Helena shifted. The pain of the transformation meant little to her as she straightened to her full height, her eyes staring and focussed as she moved.

Gilvani had been a middleman, balding, stuttering and, again, a disappointing criminal. Just a baring of teeth and a death threat had been enough to loosen his lips. The blade had been sold maybe an hour before her arrival to one of the local criminal organisations. To her annoyance, she recognised the name Siduri as one of Herra's rivals. No pulling of strings could get her what she needed this time.

Siduri owned a gambling ring. Back in the day Helena had done some work in the vampire's establishments, making exim from the odd tournament when her funds got too low.

It was with a sour taste in her mouth that she stood outside of Semul's most popular fighting ring. The Red Queen. 

Faded crimson banners hung over the doors, shadowy figures waiting for the night to begin in tightly knit groups. Helena ignored them though, taking the strides towards the locked double doors. Hand curled into a fist, she knocked several times and stood back. Impatience stained her posture, her boot scuffing the cobbles as she waited. Eventually the door creaked and man with a face like an oddly shaped potato stared down at her.

"What do you want, mutt?"

"I wish to speak with the owner of this place," she said, chin raised, a brow curved upwards, daring the man to question her.

"Reason?" He said, pulling the door further ajar.

Helena hadn't thought that far ahead, but an idea sprang to mind.

"I have a message from Herra for Siduri. It's urgent so please don't dawdle."

A spark of triumph ran up her spine as she saw the man make up his mind. Drawing back into the building, he allowed her entrance. Helena didn't dare let down her guard. She was well aware that her lie had been risky one.

The smell was the first thing that hit her. Salty, metallic and animalistic. Days old blood was there, with hints of sweat and spit. Stale alcohol from the audience stands was a faint, ever-lasting constant. It hadn't changed at all. They didn't pass the ring, but she saw the sand in between the wooden planks as they headed beneath the raised seating area. Up a flight of stairs and along a winding corridor they went, until they finally reached a door.

"Stay here," the man muttered back to her, knocking and slipping inside. For a moment Helena was alone. If she hadn't been so desperate to get her blade back, she would've gone off to explore. Instead she pressed her back to the wall and collected her thoughts. Now was not the time for mistakes.

Her eyes flickered back to the door as its hinges squeaked.

"Siduri is a busy woman, but she is willing to see you now," the man announced, adjusting the collar of his shirt.

"You have my thanks," Helena said, passing him by and entering the room.

As the door closed behind her, Helena became very aware of the woman watching her. She was draped over a lounge chair, a stack of papers sat on a table at her side. There was a slight frown on her red tinted lips, her blue eyes unblinking.

"So, what does Herra have to say to me this time? I do hope it's not another of those awful puns," she said, sitting up straighter, hair falling down her shoulders like fine silken drapes.

Helena inspected the door and sniffed the air, checking for eavesdroppers. Happy that they were alone, she dropped her calm façade.

"Herra has no message I am afraid, but he is a friend of mine. I needed an alibi to enter this place. My apologies for the deception. Instead, I came here to request your assistance Madam Siduri," she said, bearing her neck and the palms of her hands. The vampire was on her feet in a second, approaching the wolf in several silent footsteps. Helena took a cautious pace back, finding her shoulders against the wall.

Blonde, thin and towering, Siduri was an intimidating woman. She inspected Helena from head to toe, tilting her head to the side.

"Werewolf. Young. History of violence judging from the look of you. What would someone like you want from me?" She was softly spoken.

Helena met her gaze.

"A possession of mine was stolen and sold off by some low-level thieves. I have reason to believe that your organisation bought it and I would very much like to have it back."

Siduri's eyebrows rose and she pursed her lips into a stern line.

"Oh? What was it?"

"A blade."

She turned her back to Lena and returned to her seat, drumming her fingers against her knee. The frown was deeply carved, creases severe and cutting.

"Give me a reason why I should help you."

Helena allowed her hands to rest at her sides as she came to stand in the centre of the room.

"I am Helena of Angor. One of the last surviving Angor wolves and the one that brought destruction to my people. I need my blade to finish it; once and for all."

Playing with a strand of misplaced hair, the vampire smirked to herself.

"I thought you were familiar. I remember you, you used to fight. Made a killing in the rings every time you decided to turn up," she murmured, finally biting her bottom lip and looking back up. She leant forward, resting a hand on her cheek. "I'll make a deal with you, Helena of Angor. If you can win the tournament tonight, you can have your blade back, no strings attached. I'll even ignore the lie you told my dear guard. If not, the blade will go to the other winner. You'll know their identity and I'm sure you'll be able to use those dirty Angor tricks of yours to get the blade back. This way is less bloody though, plus I get to make my money back from this whole ordeal. Do we have a deal?"

Her hand was offered out to Helena, almost translucent in the low light. Nails perfect, skin unblemished. It was the hand of a woman who knew her trade and did it well.

Helena tugged off her glove and paused to contemplate her decision.

She had no desire to return to who she had been all those years ago. Destructive. Hateful. Angry. She was still those things, but the years had allowed her to reclaim the joy, kindness and compassion in life again. However, it seemed that time had a habit of repeating itself, and destiny seemed set on making a monster of her once more.

"Yes. You have my agreement."

Helena took the woman's hand, discovering her fingers ice cold. To her shock, Siduri pulled her forward, twisting her wrist with a surprisingly firm grip. Just as Helena went for her knife, the vampire sent her an amused look before pressing lips to her knuckle and then releasing the hold. A red stain from her cosmetics marked Helena's skin.

"I look forward to the show. Be here by midnight and perhaps bring some friends along even. It's certainly going to be a fun night."

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