The Dance

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Helena explained the situation to Adrian over dinner. It hadn't really been a suitable mealtime discussion, especially when Helena went into some of the more graphic details about Lin and Amos' killing techniques. There had also been a reasonable amount of cursing and waspish words exchanged as Helena explained her past involvement with the Angor pack. Most of Adrian's food went uneaten, but by the time the show began he was up to speed and relatively content with the new turn of events.

"So what are you going to do?" he asked her as they walked towards the town square in a crowd of wolves. Helena scratched her ear, having tied her hair back for once.

"No clue."

Adrian watched her out of the corner of his eye, his hands in his pockets. "Well, what do you want to do?" he tried again.

Lena sighed, massaging her jaw and moving from side to side. "I want to see if the rumour is true, but realistically I can't go to every alpha in the world and interrogate them about it. I don't want the Angor to return, but there's just no way for me to find out more," she said, her voice low and hollow. Adrian guided her towards the statue near the back of the show, taking a seat on one of the steps.

Music stained the air with shrill melodies and the deep doom of drums. Dancers mixed with the Montis wolves, entrancing the locals with their flowing movements and sharply timed jumps. Their costumes were vibrant. The silks and satins of their shawls were light, ebbing and flowing with their every sway or twirl.

Helena watched with glazed eyes, settling on the step below Adrian's. Adrian was observing her keenly, his chin resting on the palm of his hand. Despite his oversized ears, he didn't seem too bothered by the tune and instead appeared to be thinking.
He opened his mouth as if to speak, but he paused mid way and closed his mouth again. Moments later he tried again, this time managing to get out the words he was searching for.

"There could be a way," he said, sliding down to sit at her side.

"How?" she questioned, leaning closer, her hand pressed against the stone podium above. Adrian tilted his head low, his mouth beside her ear as he spoke.

"Once a year there is a meeting of all the alphas that have packs affiliated to the Pariter treaty. It is a time for negotiations and bartering. This year it is being held on the island of Imber, in the city of Semul. It's about a month and a half away. Edgard and Hermine will be attending and perhaps you could convince them to let you join them. I will be going as well, so it should be easy enough to come up with some sappy reason as to why you want to attend."

Helena's eyes widened and she turned to face him, her expression genuinely surprised.

"Why didn't I think of that?" She murmured, "that's ideal. I could even pretend to be a member of your pack. No one would suspect a thing. Semul is wonderfully corrupt and for the right price I could find out anything I desired." She clasped her mate's shoulder and patted it several times. "I'm so glad you have a brain, Adrian. It's nice to not be surrounded by idiots for once."

Adrian sent her a wry smile. "I'll take that as a compliment, but I think that's your best bet. You'll just need to work out how to convince the alphas to let you come with them."

"Blackmail will do it."

Adrian grimaced slightly and sighed. "You could try appealing to their emotional sides," he suggested weakly.

Helena bit her lip to fight a grin as she leant into his side.  "Or blackmail them." Her tone was light and playful, a fox like mischief to it as she watched him with the show lights illuminating her skin with warm tones of orange. Adrian stared down his nose at her with an eyebrow arched.

"You're impossible, Lena," he said, exaggerating his annoyance in an almost comical way.

She produced a rather loud snort of amusement and turned back to the festivities. An upbeat song was playing and people were dancing in groups, locking arms and skipping past one another in an oddly graceful display of chaos. The low rumble of out of time singing and the odour of sweat filled the air.

"Am I keeping you from joining them?" Helena asked, her voice now even and cold as it usually was. Adrian shook his head as his eyes followed Victor and his family near the back of the throng.

"No. I'm not one for stuff like this. I enjoy my personal bubble to remain intact."

"The moon make you a little antisocial then?"

"Yeah, a little. The full moon is in three days."

"I'm surprised no one is getting into fights now that you mention it," she said.

"For now. I imagine there'll be plenty later on once the drinking starts," he replied balefully, clearly not looking forward to it.

"Ed is going to be in a great mood tomorrow I can tell."


I'm sorry this isn't the most interesting part, but hopefully you enjoyed it. As always votes, comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.

Have a good week.


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