The Lunch

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Helena sat on the windowsill, watching the valley with her eyes unfocused and glass like. Her body was still; the only movement she made was the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest. Behind her, a cauldron of water boiled over an orange flame, and a wet pair of trousers and a plain shirt top hung from a wooden scaffolding a foot or two away from the roaring fire place.

From two floors below she heard a knock at the front door and she reluctantly pulled her gaze away from the distorted glass panes. She stood up and crossed the room, her hand flying to her blade as she checked it was there. A frown formed on her face and she doubled back, picking her small blade off of a hook on the wall and looping it around her neck. She hurried down the stairs, passing the first floor where the windows were open and meat hung drying from a loop of yarn, to a candle lit room where the front door resided.

"Coming," she called as another set of knocks echoed through the building. Helena took several long strides across the stone slab floor and peered through the peep hole. Then she unlocked the various security measures she had on the door and eventually pulled it wide.

Adrian was stood on the bottom step, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders hunched as the wind buffeted him.

"Ah, finally on your break?" Helena asked, holding the door wide for him. He stepped inside, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck.

"Yeah. It was a bit of a hectic morning, so I'm sorry I'm late," he said, undoing the fastening on his cloak and hanging it beside the door. It was a pale blue and it contrasted massively with the black cloak hung on the next peg along.

"It's fine. I've only got bread and meat so it'll still taste good," she replied, guiding him upstairs. When they reached the top floor Helena waved a hand to her very old, second hand table and Adrian sat down on one of the two rickety stools, resting his elbows on the table top and looking around.

Helena brought over two chipped plates, setting one before Adrian and taking a seat opposite him.

"It's beginning to look good in here," Adrian commented as he cut his cold meat into slices. Helena nodded, pulling a chunk of bread off with her teeth.

"Yeah. For a week in it's not bad. I've been asking anyone and everyone for old and unwanted stuff to fill it with," she explained, pointing to the tiny bed in one corner and various other mismatched furnishings around the room.

"You've certainly been busy."

"Yeah. Felix and Iona have been helpful though. Felix found a load of seeds for me the other day, so I'll start planting them soon."

"That'll be good. I still can't believe you've befriended Iona of all people," Adrian said. Helena shrugged.

"She's a bit rough around the edges, but she's entertaining to be around. She's also got a lot of blackmail material on everyone in a thirty mile radius, so I think she'll be useful in future situations."

There was a lull in the conversation as they quietly ate their lunches.

"So, how come you were so busy today? I know the full moon is getting closer, but it's pull can't be that strong yet," Helena asked when she finished off her meat. Adrian chewed and swallowed his mouthful before replying.

"A storm is coming in from the west. It'll hit later today. A travelling show is passing near our territory and they requested shelter for the night in return for a performance tomorrow."

Helena looked at Adrian with her face blank and her emotions hidden. Adrian could see that the news disturbed her in some way due to the tension in her arms and the way her jaw was clenched.

"A travelling show? Where are they from?" she asked with measured tones. Adrian frowned, drumming his fingers against the table top.

"A mixture of places I think. Not all of them were wolves either. I'm pretty sure there was at least one vampire. Their scents were mixed, although a couple of them smelt rather similar to you. Maybe they were from the south as well."

Helena's expression grew even darker and for a moment Adrian was afraid that she would lash out. Her chair flew back with a screech and she began walking back and forth with a frustrated air. The worn rug that covered the ground softened her footfalls slightly, but it did nothing to muffle her angered muttering.

"Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck," she said, clawing at her hair. Adrian watched her with concern, clearly unsure of what was the matter.

"Lena, what's wrong?" He eventually asked.

Helena rounded on him, marching towards him and gripping his shoulders firmly as she got within inches of his face.

"Where are they?" she asked. It came out as more of a snarl than a question and Adrian paled considerably.

"The field by the kitchens is where they've left their things. I think the inn is housing most of them though," he began, reaching up and placing his hands on top of hers. "Tell me what's wrong; Lena. Are they dangerous?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Maybe, I'm not sure. It's possible."

"Shall I show you where they are?" he offered, looking up at her. Face neutral. Eyes calm.

"No, if it's who I think it is I can't let them know you're my mate. I need you to take my knife though. It must be hidden," she said, carefully pulling her hands out of his light grip and untying her weapons belt. She placed it on Adrian's lap. "Keep it safe."

Adrian stared at the silver blade and picked it up with his leather clad hands, turning it over to inspect the intricate inscribing on the handle.

"Good thing I wore gloves today huh," he said quietly.

"Just keep it out of sight. Until I say so. You don't have to wear it even. Stuff it under your bed if you want."

Adrian finally nodded. "Alright. I'll look after it. Who do you think these people are?" he asked, giving Helena a pleading look for answers. Helena stared at him back, her expression defeated and uneasy as she leant back against the table, the wood creaking under her weight.

"Dangerous people. People that would kill you and me without flinching. People that should be dead."


Thank you for reading this part! We are now officially into the main plot line! As always votes, comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.

Have a lovely day!


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