The Town

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It took another two days to make the tower clean enough to live in. They'd been fortunate enough to have a little extra help on the second day. Felix had had a day off and was happy to lend a hand. All Helena was waiting on now was for the front door to be replaced and the cage to be installed. Then she could finally move in and escape the guest rooms of the pack den once and for all. There was only so many times she could hear the alphas go at it like rabbits and still be able to look them in the eye with a straight face.

Today though, she was taking the opportunity to explore the town and perhaps even visit Felix if she had the time. Despite her leisurely pace, the Montis wolves seemed cautious as she passed by, keeping their distance and evading all eye contact with her. Helena didn't mind too much. In fact, she rather liked the fact that everyone was avoiding her.

It still begged the question as to why people were afraid though. Did rumours travel fast here? Perhaps it was her foreboding face, or the fact that she was dressed in all black and had a massive knife strapped to her hip. On second thoughts, it was probably the knife actually. Definitely the knife.

The tailor's shop caught her eye as she travelled across the town square. She paused mid step, and made a beeline for the cramped business. It was tiny in size, the door making up almost half of the shop front. A bell jingled from above as she entered, her boots thudding on the wooden floor boards as she approached the desk.

A woman was sat there, a book in hand. Upon noticing her customer, she placed the volume down on the counter top, looping a stray strand of grey peppered red hair behind her ear.

"Ah, you must be Helena," she said, her slightly bloodshot eyes taking in Helena's appearance, "how can I help you?"

"I was wondering if it would be possible for you to make me two standard tunics," Helena replied blandly, glancing around at the various fabric rolls lining the walls.

"What material?" The woman asked, pulling a note pad towards her to take notes.

"Something dark and reasonably thick. I'm allergic to wool though, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't use any wool based products. Cotton or linen would be fine."

The woman suddenly got up and marched off into the back of her shop, returning with several samples.

She laid them down on the desk top. "These fabrics fit your description. Any catch your eye?"

"Which one is the cheapest?" Helena questioned, slipping off her glove and testing the feel of each.

"The red one. We received a large shipment of kermes based dyes about a month back."

Helena nodded slowly, inspecting the crimson fabric closely. "That should do. What about payment?"

The woman tapped her pencil on the wooden surface, her brow furrowed. "A sack of wheat or potatoes and three pheasants would do it. Maybe an egg or two as well. My son's birthday is coming up so he'll want something sweet to celebrate with."

Helena couldn't care less about her son, but she kept her mouth shut to prevent an acidic reply from slipping out. "That sounds manageable. Would duck suffice if I can't get pheasant?"

"Of course."

Helena agreed to the deal and sat with the tailor, Rana as she was named, working out the finer details like fittings and fastenings. Half way through Rana paused, her eyes drifting to the window.

"There she goes again," she tutted, disapproval written into her lined features. Helena looked over her shoulder to see what she was going on about.

In the street some woman was hanging off of the arm of a young man, playing with her long dark hair in an effortlessly seductive way.

"Who is she?" Helena found herself asking, for once her interest was piqued. Rana crossed her arms and got back to her notes.

"Iona. She's a bit of a tart. Sleeps around with any unmated man she can find. I don't understand why she just goes around spreading her legs to anyone and everyone; her mate will surely be disappointed," she sighed. Helena pulled her eyes away from the window, her expression dark and unreadable.

"I see," she murmured softly, keeping her thoughts to herself.

"Yes. Bit of a rotten egg. Had a thing for your mate come to think of it."

Helena clenched her jaw slightly, her expression growing grim.


After finishing up in the tailor's shop, Helena went on the hunt, searching for this Iona woman. Fueled by curiosity. Clearly she was more than your average idiotic mutt because after a little while she took Helena in circles, eventually leading her out of town and into the fields. When the rogue caught up with her, she was perched atop a fence, her arms stretched out beside her, with her legs crossed elegantly. Iona watched Helena with a dark unwavering stare, her beautiful face flat and pinched.

"What do you want, rogue?" she asked, her voice honey rich, but biting. Helena got closer, stopping a short distance from where she was sat.

"I was told you were something of a pack slut," she began, only to be cut off as the woman strode towards her, a furious glare on her face. Her anger was palpable in the air.

"And what of it?" she spat, "it's not as if I ever did anything with your mate! Adrian is a massive prude with the social skills of a plucked chicken."

A grin spread across Helena's face, a triumphant twitch pulling at her lips.

"But," she repeated steadily, "I thought that was a little rude and nothing to do with your worth as a wolf. Nonetheless, I thought it worth talking to you and I was wondering if you could give me a little tour of the town," she replied simply, holding up her hands, "I honestly don't care about your sex life. It's your body anyway."

Iona's body seemed to falter, her shoulder slumping as she took in Helena's words.

"You don't think I'm disgusting? Or tainted and impure. I know what the other wolves say about me," she said, sounding sceptical. Helena shrugged.

"We're all just diseased fleshy sacks of blood on a space rock. I think everyone is disgusting in their own wonderful and unique way. You're no more revolting than anyone else in that respect," Helena said with a perfectly straight face.

Iona stared at her as if she were out of her mind, however her confused expression soon morphed into a grin. A chuckle bubbled up her throat and she graced the nearby fields with her feather light laughter. She soon straightened up, wiping her eyes and taking deep breaths.

"You're an odd one, rogue. What's your name?"

"Helena, but Lena is fine."

"Lena," Iona said, testing the word on her lips, "I'd be happy to show you around. I'm Iona."


I hope you enjoy this part. I wrote it in a rush so please let me know if there are any mistakes. As always, votes, comments and constructive criticisms are welcomed.

Have a good day.


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