The Blast

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The road was about as wide as three carriages side by side, a pale pressed dust beneath Cheval's hooves. Beyond, the landscape rose and fell in hills and mountains like the creases of a discarded cloth. Meadows. Pines. Chattering birds. The empty remains of crumbled ruins.

Helena reached up, swatting at the thunder bugs that seemed set on driving her to insanity. A sticky warmth clung to the back of her neck and even the wind did little to ease her discomfort. Humidity warned of an approaching storm, but she hadn't the slightest clue when the sky would open. Above was a plain expanse of blue. Deceptive in its clarity. This evening perhaps? Maybe the next day?

Sighing, she tugged her gaze from the scenery to glare at the road. Unlike the smaller trade routes that spidered their way around the Montis' territory, the great eastern trade line was comparatively bustling with travellers. Here, their small convoy of horses stuck to the side of the path, allowing messengers to gallop by and large trade units to snail along.

"Not much longer now," a voice from her side said.

Helena's lip twitched up a little as she looked over to Felix. "We're set to arrive tomorrow evening, aren't we?"

The young man nodded, looking every one of his twenty-two years. Travelling had done none of them any favours, especially as it'd been almost a week since they'd last seen a wash basin. "Yes. Well, we will if we don't meet any delays. I'm looking forward to the next rest stop; I heard from that family in Strom that the next one has food vendors and a river to cool down in."

"Wonderful. I'm getting more than a little tired of roasted game. Actual food will be welcome," she said, stretching her arms out and cracking her back. Their conversation dimmed into a quiet chat. It made the time go by faster, allowing her to forget the impending storm and the flood of memories that came with it.

They reached the rest stop just as the sun passed the highest point in the sky. People of all kinds were there, bustling around the rickety food shops, lounging in the sun, or relieving themselves behind a large thicket of bushes. Their group set themselves towards the edge of the clearing, near to the river and the hillside beyond. Broken ruins, crumbled walls and exposed metal sat scattered across the landscape, concealed by grasses and worn by time.

Helena hiked up the long skirt of her dress, but despite her best efforts she stilled stumbled from the saddle. Tangled in the bulky mass of fabric. "Fucking, impractical, bloody trip hazards," she spat, leaning against Cheval for support. The large horse just sent her an unimpressed stare and huffed as he always did.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to keep wearing these dresses? I swear you've fallen over three times today already," Felix said, dismounting his own steed with a little more elegance.

Helena steadied herself and pursed her lips. "They're common attire for women with non-physical jobs in the western side of Urasia. It's expected, especially since this is a formal meeting," she muttered, grimacing down at the pale blue attire she was currently donning. "The only advantage is that I can easily hide my weapons under this skirt. No one, at least those that don't know me, would have any idea that I had three knives, cheese wire, and an eye irritant on my person."

Felix tilted his head to the side and beamed at her. "Anyone that does know you wouldn't be surprised at all."

He got a laugh for that.

Not long after, the group was sat on the grass as Adrian and a warrior, a woman named Sian, came bearing arms laden with food. Sian stood taller than even Adrian and she had the tuned muscles of someone you wouldn't want to get into a pub brawl with. Nonetheless, she smiled and chatted as she plopped down beside her companions. Adrian took his place beside her, handing out the paper wrapped bundles of food.

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