The Broken Glass

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Hunting people was different to hunting game. They had a habit of fleeing in amongst the crowd, especially when they had something to hide. It made it more difficult, especially when the bugger was trying so desperately to lose her. He'd already done two circuits of the room and now he was attempting to conceal himself behind a particularly large, bearded wolf.

Helena swore under her breath for the hundredth time that day and a growl vibrated at the base of her throat. She didn't want to break out into a run, not in a public place, but her walk was on the stalking side of a stroll. She managed to sneak behind the cover of two conversing betas, coming up behind the anxious wolf without him being any the wiser. When she was close enough to spot the mole on his neck, she reached forward and tapped his shoulder twice.

He seemed to fly forward and his head snapped around in a painful way. His eyes where wide and his skin had taken on a blue quality.

"Why are you following me?!" He said, clutching at his shirt front.

Helena relaxed into her stance and raised her hands, tilting back her head to expose her neck to the humid air.

"Calm yourself, you seemed kind of twitchy during the welcome ceremony. I wanted to see if you were alright is all," she reasoned with a well-choreographed grin on her face.

Slowly, he straightened his posture and worried his lip with his oversized teeth.

"This is my first visit to the summit. I'm a little overwhelmed by the number of people here is all."

Helena had had enough experience with crowd anxiety to know that he was probably telling the truth. She'd been watching him for long enough to realise that he was deliberately avoiding large groups of people and he'd been mainly pretending to be fascinated by a sandwich for about ten minutes before someone else tried to get to the buffet. His story rang true.

It was another dead end.

She patted his arm softly several times and looked around to see if anyone she knew was nearby.

"I can introduce you to some people if you want me to break the ice for you," she offered, having spotted Ben and Jameson nursing drinks not too far away.

The wolf agreed and she quickly ushered him into the company of the two Montis scouts. The pair weren't overly thrilled by the interruption, but they seemed to like the awkward man and within a few minutes they were chatting like old friends.

Once again Helena was left hanging like a loose light fixing. She wasn't sure what to do now as she had exhausted her list of wolves to investigate. They had all come up as blanks, dead ends and wild goose chases.

"Blast," she said, retreating to the buffet table to refuel and collect herself. There were some tasty pastry things with a meaty filling on a platter at one end; she made a beeline towards them. Upon sinking her teeth into the treat, she could've sworn that she heard her soul singing and she proceeded to stuff her face like a famished animal.

There was suddenly a loud clatter, followed by an array of smashing glasses. She paused mid chew to look around, her hands laden with pilfered food.

The hall seemed slightly too quiet, the conversations too muted as wolves turned around to see what had happened. A scrawny woman, her small frame and minimalistic clothes making it clear that she was an omega, stood before a group of alphas, her arms trembling as she stared down at the fallen drinks. Glass was scattered everywhere, the shards glinting like needles.

"Aren't you going to clean that up?" One of the alphas said, her shoes crunching the broken mess into smaller pieces.

"Y- yes Alpha." The omega went to head towards the kitchens to retrieve kitchen supplies, but the alpha coughed several times in a frog-like way.

"No. Do it now."

There was a moment of stillness as realisation and an air of defeat settled over the woman. Her shoulders fell and she knelt, not looking up at those that observed her like an audience to a sick show.

Helena watched on, her eyes flickering around in semi disbelief. No one moved. No one protested. They were just gazing over boredly as if someone wasn't being forced to slice open their hands before them.

She hurriedly stuffed her food into her bag and began moving forward in what could be described as a half walk, half run. She got there in time and grasped the wolves shoulder before she tried to pick anything up.

"Wait," she said, joining her on the ground. She pulled a spare bandage from her bag and offered it out to her.

"Use this," she murmured, taking the woman's small hand in her own and wrapping the fabric across her fingers and palm. The woman stared at her, her eyes slightly red and watery; she was on the brink of tears, her chin resolutely clenched as she fought to hold them back. Helena sent her a slight smile and started stacking the glass back onto the steel tray, making sure to ignore the wolves that were watching them. With two sets of hands it didn't take too long for them to clear the floor and noise began to return to the area near them as people lost interest and returned to their conversations.

The omega quickly scurried off towards the kitchens and Helena followed behind, trying to convince herself that she was only following so she could get her bandages back, not that she was worried.

The door swung closed behind her and she gazed around the food and drink filled room. Other omegas from various packs wondered around, pouring things into other slightly posher things and preparing to go out onto the floor. The hall outside was busy, but even this room was overwhelming as wolves rushed to and fro to get things done.

The tray of broken fragments was dropped on a counter and the woman began unwinding the fabric from her hands, her body shaking as the tears began to fall. She threw it into a crumpled ball and wiped her arm across her face. Her mouth was open, but no sound came out.

For a long while Helena just waited.

"I hate this." The woman's voice shook with each word, her nose blocked with phlegm.

"It was cruel. I can't believe they wanted you to get hurt," the rogue replied.

The omega drew in a sharp breath and looked at Helena with her lips in a harsh line.

"It's not the first time and I doubt it will be the last," she said bitterly, then turning away to begin clearing up the tray. "It's my own fault anyway. If I hadn't been so curious, so stupid, I wouldn't even be in this mess in the first place."

Helena quirked an eyebrow in scepticism.

"Unless you're a vicious murderer then I really doubt you deserved it."

She didn't look up at Helena, seemingly trying to avoid her stare.

"I saw something that shouldn't have."

That piqued her interest.


"I've already said too much. I shouldn't say more."

There was a pregnant silence and Helena refused to break it, her gaze unyielding. Eventually the wolf looked at her and sighed.

"My alphas are dealing in some business that would be deemed as immoral by most."

Helena's eyebrow grew higher, her heart pounding with excitement.

"The names?" She pressed.

"I've already said too much dammit! I don't need to dig this hole any deeper than it already is." Helena watched as she wavered between determination and uncertainty, her fingers clasping and unclasping. After a few more moments of silence, she broke. Getting close to the rogue, she leant in.

"I'm from the Graes pack. Promise me you won't tell anyone that I told you though."

"You have my word."


This part hasn't been proof read yet, so please point out mistakes if you see any.

Have a nice day!


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