The Full Moon

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Helena huffed and sank into her chair like a child told they couldn't have sweets. "Come on, Ed. Pretty please."

"I said no."

Helena turned her attention to Hermine, sending her a pleading look. "Please, Hermine."

"I'm sorry, Helena, but I agree with Ed on this one. It wouldn't look good for us to allow a non pack member to come with us to the meeting. Especially someone so, well, volatile," she replied, pushing several stray hairs of dusty brown hair behind her ear with a slender digit.

Helena stared at both of them her mind ticking through her options. Eventually, she came to a decision. Adrian was going to be insufferable later.

Her shoulders slumped and her gaze lowered as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "You've kind of driven me into a corner," she murmured softly, "can I at least trust you two to keep a secret for me? This is a little embarrassing for me to admit out loud."

Revealing intimate details and secrets was quite an effective way of gaining someone's emotional support. It denoted a level of trust for the listener, made them a little guilty for pushing personal boundaries and also displayed how far she would go for their help.

Edgard looked to his mate for her reaction and Hermine leant forward in her seat, her expression softening somewhat.

"Of course you can. We're not your alphas, but you can trust us to keep things confidential." Her voice had softened like butter left in the sun and Helena saw a glimpse of compassion on her angular face.

Helena ran her fingers through her black knotted mane, clasping her hands together on her lap.

"You see, I've been pursuing Adrian for a little while now and he just seems kind of distant with me. I know he's busy with beta duties, but I can't help but feel a little disheartened. When he told me about the meeting and the fact that he won't be here for quite a while, I, I just, I felt like nothing between us would ever change. Like we'll get closer for a little while, but then he'll go off and we'll be back at square one again.

"I really don't want to cause trouble for you and the Montis pack. I'm so grateful for your help and although it might not seem like it, I appreciate your kindness. I want to go so I can spend time with Adrian. That's all. Surely you understand that sentiment?" She topped of the performance with a cracking voice and a low gaze.

After years of deceit and crime, her lies were almost seamless. She had long since perfected the technique of knitting together truth and lies in a believable patchwork, playing to people's egos to gain their sympathy and support. Edgard and Hermine were no different. 

Edgard cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Well in that case I suppose we could work out something."

"Our main issue with you coming is the cost," Hermine continued, "you're not part of the pack so our budget won't cover the cost of your accommodation, travel and admittance. You'll need to raise that money yourself and we need you to be on your best behaviour. Ed and I have only just taken over from Ed's parents so we need to make a good impression. Do you promise to not cause any scenes?"

"Yes I promise. Well, unless someone threatens me or another member of our party. In which case I will tear them limb from limb, but you two could do with the added protection I would imagine," she returned, her eyes fixed on Hermine. 

Ed frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked. 

Helena raised an eyebrow at Hermine and looked between the pair. "Well, with a pregnant alpha it's always a comfort to have additional guards around I would have thought." The instant the words left her mouth she knew that she'd said something wrong. Both wolves appeared shocked, ashen skinned and mouths agape. 

"How did you know?" Hermine whispered, "I only realised a few days ago." 

Helena awkwardly sank into her chair, wishing she'd kept her mouth shut now. "I smelt it on you yesterday when we were cleaning up after the show. It was fainter then, but today it's reasonably strong," she explained, looking anywhere but the pair.

Edgard leant towards the other alpha and sniffed Hermine's hair, drawing in a deep breath. "Oh yeah. It's really weak, but it's definitely there. I can't believe I missed it."

"We have been pretty busy the last couple of days. I had wanted to wait a little longer before telling you so I knew for sure, but I suppose this is an alright time to tell you." She beamed at him. "We're going to be parents, Ed."

Helena sat there, forgotten as they exchanged nausea inducing words of devotion, love and jubilation. She was patient as they shared a kiss, but she grew uncomfortable and drew the line when hands began to wonder and the noises grew too loud.

"I hope you both realise that I'm still here," she said blandly, "as much as I'm enjoying this re-enactment of your child's conception, I'd rather it if you continued this later. Preferably somewhere private."

They quickly parted, their hands returning to socially acceptable positions. Hermine's face was flushed as she righted herself.

"Apologies, Helena. Well, er, as we were saying. You can come with us, but you need to raise about 400 exim. You should be able to manage it if you continue hunting and such."

Once that was established, Helena left as soon as she could, not wanting to spend more time with the rejoicing pair. She assumed they would make the announcement so she didn't mention anything about the baby when she filled Adrian in on how the meeting went. He was rather smug about how well his suggestion had worked and Helena begrudgingly admitted that he was right about the emotional manipulation. She hadn't stayed long and had climbed the hill to her home not long afterwards to prepare for the oncoming full moon.

On the night of the full moon she sat on the floor of a cage, her back pressed against the thick bars as she watched the moonlight stream down the staircase from above. The change hadn't started yet, but the beginning ripples of pain ran through her muscles every so often and her throat felt tight.

This was their payment.

In return for power, speed and health, they gave up their compassion and tenderness. They could roam as wolves, enjoy the freedom that their condition brought, but they were controlled by the moon. As the white beacon grew, it sapped them of their humanity and reasoning. Things that would seem wrong and insane at the new moon could be considered normal or appropriate by the time the full moon bloomed. On that night the moon would strip them of their free will and for that one night they were monsters, beasts with a hunger for flesh.

She felt a bone in her arm crack and she stifled a cry, biting the inside of her cheek. It was the first of many and she collapsed to the ground as more of her body snapped and reshaped itself. Each movement burnt like fire and through her half shut eyes she could see claws grow out from her nails.

After that she remembered little.


Thank you for reading this part! I enjoyed writing this chapter quite a lot. Usually I would've waited to upload this part as I time my uploads, but tomorrow I'm getting my exam results, so I'll probably be rather busy. As always votes, comments and constructive criticisms are welcomed.

Have a great day!


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