Chapter 3: Part One

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Chapter 3: This can't be happening

Percy P.O.V.

Percy couldn't believe it.

First, his dad makes them sit with the two people they both hate most in the world and now his father expects him to just marry Annabeth.

He couldn't breathe.

He said the first thing that came to mind.

"When Mom finds out she is gonna be pissed. She will never force us to do this."

At that point the girl sitting next to him passed out and landed on the floor.

She hit her head.

Percy got up to see if she was OK. He had almost passed out too.

"Annabeth wake up, this isn't a nightmare. Its worse." he slapped her face.

When that didn't work he grabbed a glass of water and poured it all over her face. It did the trick.

"Gods, I cant believe it wasn't a nightmare. Its worse than one."

"Ooh, see Poseidon. They even think like each other. Percy automatically took care of her. This will be a great marriage."

"Ugh. Hey, you didn't answer me. Mom will never allow this." Poseidon answered this time.

"Exactly why she and Paul just boarded a cruise that will take them around the world for a year. By the time they are informed of this you will have been married for about nine months."

"That is my birthday present this year?" is all Annabeth said to that.

I was speechless. They had just ruined my life in a matter of seconds.

I got up from the floor because a lot of people were staring at us.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Athena started, "the rings. You two have to wear them henever you are out in public. On the correct finger. If not we will pull both of you out of Goode."

Neither of us said anything. We knew there was nothing that we could do to stop this.

When our parents wanted something, they got it. Even if it meant hurting their families.

Business comes first to them. Percy was so lost in thought that he didn't even realize that his father had put a ring on his left ring finger.

He looked over at Annabeth and saw an expression of horror that most likely mirrored his own.

A/N: Sorry about this but I had to point out a couple of things. I was going to do a POV for Annabeth about the rings but I am short on time so I am not doing that. Plus I know Athena sounds a lot like Aphrodite at the moment but she kind of had to for this part. I'll try to get rid of the OOC of her in later chapters, but she won't have a huge role in this I don't think.

Annabeth P.O.V.

Our parents walked us out of the restaurant, as neither of us had had an appetite.

Of course we were ambushed by about a dozen TV cameras, Mom and Poseidon probably called them.

They own about three news stations each. All of a sudden cameras were thrown in Annabeth and Percy's faces. Each reporter was yelling something.






That was it. No "do you love each other", no "was this your idea."

Just horror.

Our parents rushed us to our cars and shoved us inside.

How were we going to stop this wedding?

The press are reporting it right now, how will I tell Thalia and Piper?

(A/N: Yes piper is in this, I forgot about her when I was doing the schedules. Lets just say she is a Junior and therefore only has lunch with the gang.)

More importantly, what was she going to do now? She had her whole life planned. Now was she just supposed to put everything on hold and marry this person she barely even knows?

She will have to talk to Percy civilly now.

She may hate him but they are in this together now. He is the only person in the world who is going through this exact thing, with me, right now.

A/N: I know its short but I wrote it in two parts so that I could update more quickly.

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