Chapter 10: Schemes That Just Don't Work

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Chapter 10: Schemes That Just Don't Work

Annabeth and Percy were standing outside of the Recording Studio down an alley in L.A, trying to decide how to go about asking Hades if he stole the plans.

That may not sit well with the man.

"So we just walk in and ask him if he stole something from Zeus?" Percy asked, unsure of the details of the plan Annabeth had repeated to him a few times already.

"No, Seaweed Brain. We g in there honestly. We approve of what he did, the guy is a jerk for ignoring his own brother and we wouldn't care if it hadn't ended up involving us."

"Oh, OK." Percy replied, having finally understood.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You weren't even listening when I explained it before were you?"

"Um, not really. Your eyes are really distracting." he replied.

"What because they're unusual?" Annabeth asked, raising her eyebrows at him questioningly.

"No, because they're pretty."

"Oh," Annabeth said while looking down and blushing.

Percy squeezed her hand, they having been clasped for a while, and said "Come on Wise One, we have to get this over with. We may be together now, but I don't think either of us are ready for married life quite yet.

Annabeth tilted her head back up and smiled at him, "Yea, I don't think we are either. I know I'm not yet. We've only been dating for what, eight hours? Lets go inside."

They walked through the doors together, fingers entwined and looked around.

The front office was quite large, with a black marble floor and white walls. It had grey and white paintings and furniture decorating the space. Directly in front of them was a man behind an ornate black desk wearing an Italian suit and a name tag that said "Hello, my name is Charon."

Annabeth was glad she had given Percy her jacket, otherwise his shirtless, scarred, eight-pack body would be attracting even more attention.

They walked up to him, passing all the people staring at them with broken, nearly soulless eyes just waiting for their big break that would probably never come.

He barely looked up at them from his magazine-for more Italian suits- raised an eyebrow and said dully "How may I help you?"

Annabeth replied quickly saying "We're looking for Percy's uncle, Hades." She gestured to Percy.

"Mr. Death only sees people by appointment." He replied in a bored tone.

"Yeah, well this is important family business-wait Mr. Death? Are you kidding me, that is just ridiculous. Why do you call him that?" Percy replied, his ADHD kicking in.

"Because of how many people he's threatened to kill and how many times he's threatened to kill me. Also because he runs a funeral home on the side. Family business doesn't matter if you don't have an appointment."

Percy looked at Annabeth, who was busy thinking up a way to get inside to see Hades. 'I wonder if he would take a bribe? He seems to like expensive things. I'd have to play it right though, otherwise he could get offended. Hmm...'

"Mr. Charon, I bet you like expensive things don't you?"

"Why yes young lady, how could you tell?" he replied, straightening a little.

'This might just work' she thought to herself.

"I bet Hades doesn't pay you very well, does he? I mean for all the work you do, having to break people's spirits day after day. It must be exhausting work. I'm sure you could use a raise. Isn't that right Perce?" She said, elbowing him in the ribs when he did not respond immediately.

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