Chapter 3: Part Two

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Annabeth P.O.V.

2:00 AM

Annabeth is never up this late, but she can't stop thinking about this problem.

Her whole life has been nothing but one huge problem.

She was born 17 years ago. Her mother had left her with her father and two little half-brothers.

Unfortunately, he never wanted her. He barely paid attention to Mathew and Bobby, her brothers.

She always made sure they were well taken care of though.

Then of course her father had to marry Stephanie.

Stephanie is about eight years younger than dad and a total drunk who only cared about herself.

One day Annabeth was stuck at school late and instead of her father picking up the boys he had Stephanie do it.

She had been drinking again.

Their car swerved into oncoming traffic and her little brothers almost died.

Athena, her real mother, heard about this and took custody of Annabeth before anything worse could happen to her.

Her little brothers were put into foster care and thankfully got adopted by some rich family in England.

Lucky them, Annabeth is stuck with Athena while her brothers live it up in England.

Now Annabeth never sees her brothers and has not seen her father since the day of the accident.

She got pulled out of her high school during freshmen year and put into the rich-kid school Goode.

The top private school not just in Manhattan, but in the country. She wasn't really popular, she tended to stick to the background and let other people do the talking. She hated the spotlight that people always put her in. People at school tend to look to her for things first, making it seem like she held this great popularity. Everyone just wanted her money. She didn't belong at Goode, although every one of her true friends goes there. That is why she doesn't want to leave good. The odds of her finding friend like that again were slim to none.

Then there was that jerk Percy who she met her first year here.

Her mother's rival's son. She doesn't really care about that though, despite what Thalia says.

They did not hit it off. It didn't help that right after she got there he was joking around with his friends and pushed her into the pool.

Then he got his nickname from the swim team, given to him by me for the salad incident.

Now her parents wanted her to marry Seaweed Brain!

Life can never throw you a bone when you need one.

She had checked the news when she got home.

Her and Percy's shocked faces were being seen world-wide tonight.

Apparently it was a slow news day because they were on every single news channel she knew about.

She would be the center of attention tomorrow. Not something she will enjoy.

'I wonder how many people will want to see my engagement ring.' Ugh.

Tomorrow is not going to be fun.

Percy P.O.V.

1:00 AM

Percy was staring at the ring on his left hand in shock.

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