Chapter 17~ Chapter 6: Heroes?

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Warning: this story will not have many more chapters, with any luck it will be finished before the 13th. The first day of school.

Also, please keep in mind that this is an AU so I can do whatever the Hades I want.

Rachel POV:

It was horrible, the worst thing she had ever laid eyes on.

It was wearing a suit covered entirely in numbers.

The thing-freakishly tall, scarred man she realized- had a handgun pointed directly at her chest.

She cursed Luke under her breath.

It wasn't actually the first time she had met him, see. They had gone to school together for years. Second through sixth grade, actually.

In all honesty she had developed a crush on the boy, who had disappeared one day in the beginning of seventh grade.

He was the only person who accepted her, at first she hadn't even realized it was him. She actually hadn't even realized it until she decided to walk through that godsforsaken door.

He was taller, and definitely older. (He had been held back a few years.)

He had a new scar down his face, marring his handsomely evil features.

She did the only thing she could think of to do in the situation she was currently in.

She spat at Luke.


For a split second, regret seemed to flash through his eyes. It was gone so quickly though, that she dismissed it as nothing.

"Calm down, little red. No need for me to shoot this, now is there?" the man said.

"Who are you?" she decided to ask, head held high.

"I am Kronos. Not that it matters to you." the man replied emotionlessly.

"And why wouldn't it matter?" she asked fearfully.

"Because this never happened. You never came close to finding them."

"So they are here!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Yes, I have them. But if you tell anyone about this, I will have to kill both you and them."

"Please, Rach. Don't say anything." Luke pleaded. "Just leave and forget this whole thing ever happened. Tell your friends it was a dead end. I-I don't want you getting hurt."

"Why would I do anything you say, scumbag?" she scolded.

"Why did you even join him?"

"It wasn't supposed to end up like this. I just needed some extra cash- my mom... It wasn't supposed to get this far. But I'm in Kronos' business now. He wants to overthrow all of the major corporations that are destroying the nation! Airlines are polluting, Architecture is slowly demolishing the world! And he'll make the medication that will save my mom. She's epileptic. Please. Just leave, I don't want you to get hurt." He explained.

She had to admit that made sense, but she couldn't trust that he would tell her the truth. Not after this. Besides, she would never NOT save her friends.

"Over my dead body."

"So be it." Kronos replied.

He pulled the trigger.

Rachel closed her eyes.

~Line break. Do you like Rachel again? See, she wasn't stupid. Just loyal.~

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