Chapter 14~ Chapter 3: Where Are They?

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A/N: So, I know its been a while. I apologize. I am only updating today because I had to skip Drill Practice. I sprained my ankle. Just to make you guys feel better I'll tell you how I did it. I was walking in my kitchen, texting, when my dog appeared. I did not notice her, and do not recommend texting while walking to anyone.

Chapter 14: Where are they?

Thalia was worried. She wasn't normally one to worry, but when her best friend's boyfriend's car ends up totaled and neither of them are at school the next day, that can happen to a person.

That little death punk kid, yes he's my age, shut it brain, is worried too. Apparently him and Kelp Head are close.

I guess technically Percy and I are family. I don't actually have any of my father in me though (long story short, I was adopted). I'm actually some really distant cousin, like 84th or something. Yea, big family.

Anyway, I hope they turn up soon, cuz otherwise I'm gonna have to beat the Kelp out of Percy's head for getting in that stupid wreck. Don't tell him, please, but I care for him a little bit.

Please, gods. Let them get home safely.

With that, Thalia closed her journal. Yes, she seems like the last person in the world who would keep one of those things, but in it are a bunch of letters that she never sent to her birth parents. She has their address, but has never had the courage to send them. If they didn't want her then, why would they want to hear from her now?

She glanced at the clock-5:00pm.

That made her get up off that couch of hers and decide something. No matter what, she was going to find her best friend.

She ran to Nico's house.

He would probably help her find them.

When she got there and asked the guy to help her he basically jumped at the chance.

There was only one problem. They had absolutely no idea where to start.

Line Break. Also my space bar just fell off-bear with me. So did my L key. I have to press dots on the computer.

Rachel Elizabeth Dare was asleep when she had her vision.

She was walking along Central park, just like usual, greeting people and looking into their minds, when suddenly Percy was there, calling to her. She walked up to him, and looked into his mind.

She saw the St Louis arch, and a clock shop. The hands on all of them were turning backwards, then freezing. She tried to tell the time on them, but suddenly the faces turned to golden eyes, and started laughing at her.

She woke up screaming from her nap, and after analyzing it for a few moments, ran to find Thalia. If she was right, she knew where to find her missing friends.

A/N: Yes, its short but my space bar and L key fell off. I have to press tiny dots.
(Again, when originally written.)

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