Chapter 11: Plot Twist

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Arranged Chapter 11

A/N: Shoutouts now!!!


They walked into Zeus's building nervously, hoping the paranoid idiot of an uncle hadn't changed his mind.

They had about an hour to spare, as they had stopped to relax for a moment; which Annabeth was very against.

"I still think that we shouldn't have stopped. We could already have this stuff handled!" Annabeth argued to Percy.

Percy rolled his eyes but didn't say anything, probably his smartest decision of the day.

His left arm still hung limply at his side while his right was wrapped around Annabeth's waist.

They were still wearing the same clothes, Annabeth didn't want them to waste any more time by shopping.

Annabeth's curls were an absolute wreck and her face and clothes were covered in grime built up from the trip.

Percy was worse off, considering the blood trying to leak through his hoodie.

The guard let them in, if you count getting whacked upside the head and your keys stolen as permission.

Just like that, they walked through the over-sized gold doors into the "Throne Room" where they figured Zeus was sitting with his big head.

Percy stepped away from Annabeth for a moment and grabbed the backpack she handed him off of her shoulders.

Then he walked forward and dropped the backpack right in front of Zeus' feet, not realizing something big at that moment.

Annabeth's eyes were wide as she glanced around the room and quietly stepped up behind Percy.

Before she could say anything however, Percy spoke.

"Here, we have your stupid plans. Can we please get our situation fixed now?"

"Percy, our-" Annabeth whispered before Zeus interrupted her.

"Now that is no way to talk to me if you want your little issue resolved." He said, anger clear in his eyes.

"Excuse me Sir, but we were just sent on a wild goose chase to get plans that Annabeth would have been able to do much better. I got knifed in the arm and threatened by Ares for you. Hades didn't even do it. The war psycho did. He gave us a backpack that we didn't open till we got to Hades'. His important laptop was there too. So thank you, for causing me an insane amount of pain. Sorry I do not appreciate you at the moment."

Zeus just stared at him open-mouthed.

"Percy, look around you." Annabeth said forcefully, a little distressed.

"What?" he replied, looking around himself finally.

He then realized that all the company heads were there.

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, who started the internet; Apollo who does electric lighting and books on the side; Hestia, a family therapist, ironically; Artemis, who does hunting stuff; Aphrodite, who looked horror-struck and does internet dating; Hephaestus, in charge of everything mechanic in America; and last but certainly the angriest, Ares. Percy didn't count the sleeping wine guy in the corner wearing a tiger-stripe shirt.

Poseidon got up immediately and grabbed Percy's left arm.

Percy said a not so nice word very loudly.

Poseidon smacked his head lightly and rolled up Percy's sleeve.

The knife had gone all the way through his arm, which was numb until this point. He hadn't told Annabeth how much pain he was actually in.

Poseidon flipped over his arm and gasped slightly at the scars, glancing up at Percy curiously; who rolled his eyes.

They had talked about it two years ago. The scars just hadn't faded and probably never would.

"Dad, can you please stop messing with my arm. I'll get it fixed when we're done here."

"Fine, but only because if we start arguing we'll be here even longer." Poseidon said.

Percy rolled his eyes then looked over at Zeus.

"Well, do you have anything to say to us?"

Zeus sighed, then glared at Percy arrogantly.

"Alright, fine. I have my plans, you can thank Hera for this. I will never hear the end of it if I don't."

"Darn right." Hera said.

Everyone laughed nervously except Zeus, Hera, Percy, and Annabeth.

"Poseidon, Athena call off the wedding." He said.


"No Aphrodite, our kids are. And why exactly should we call it off?"

"I'm going to stop pressuring you guys to close down, there is no need for a merger."

"Oh thank gods! I did not want to be related to her."

"What, you think I wanted to be related to you?" Athena stated.

"Wait, but Percy had his arm around her when they walked in." Aphrodite said, always looking out for romance.

They both blushed while all the adults looked at them in shock.

"The wedding's off, right?" Annabeth asked.

"Yea, it is." Poseidon said.

"Hey, Bull Head-where do you think you're going?" Percy asked angrily.

Ares had been trying to sneak out the doors, utterly failing.

"Bathroom?" he stated, but it came out as more of a question than an answer.

"Hermes, can you pull up the security camera feed from the diner we ate at the other night?" Annabeth asked.

She also told him the name of the diner and what day it was.

"No problem, easy." He replied.

He typed on the laptop he was using for a minute, then pressed a button and it popped up on a screen on a wall of the room.

Everyone watched it for a minute before Zeus grabbed Ares by the collar of his leather jacket and punched his lights out.

"We'll deal with him later." Zeus said.

Annabeth then voiced something that changed the way everyone saw the situation at hand.

"How did he think up all of that on his own?"


No one could think of anything.

That's when Percy's iPod rang, somehow.

"Umm, Hello?" He answered.

The call was very grainy and spotty, but everyone heard a couple of words.

"He didn't. Get ready for war." It was a deep, old voice. The iPod was on speaker basically.

The call got cut off then.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"My father." Zeus said worriedly.



Ok people, this story is not over. Kind of a cliffie to keep you interested. There will be more chapters, kind of like book two but in the same story. Thanks for the support!!

Also, congratulations to terrahgemvia for figuring out the City of Bones reference. You go girl!

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