Chapter 16~Chapter 5: Finding Your Loved Ones

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Thalia, Nico, Piper, Jason, and Rachel had been on the road to Missouri for three days now.

If everyone hadn't been so irritable, they probably could have made it in two.

Actually, they had all become so annoyed with each other that they had split up into three groups. They also figured that they had a better chance of finding Percy and Annabeth if they split up.

Thalia and Nico were one group, while Piper and Jason were another.

Rachel, tired of knowing where they were and not being believed, was in a group by herself. Was being the key word. She had met a guy on the trip, Luke, who felt like he had to protect her. For once, she actually let a guy try.


Percy and Annabeth had tried that little plan of theirs. And now, after three days soapless in the basement of a clock shop by the St. Louis Arch, they were highly regretting that decision.

Thankfully, Percy hadn't had any more episodes of passing out due to injuries. So far.

Kronos really liked messing with their brains.

They were now handcuffed to the floor, assuming it had been three days. They couldn't reach each other. It was driving them nuts.

Every day, they would get two small meals; always put just out of reach. Thankfully, Percy could reach his right foot to the edge of the blue plastic trays.

There was always the faint sound of clocks ticking in the distance.

They couldn't take much more of this treatment.

No human deserves to be treated this way.

Except maybe Kronos...

It took about two hours for Rachel to finally reach the Arch, and about twenty minutes after that to find a souvenir clock shop that matched her strange dream.

She immediately called the others, who were all of course going in the absolute wrong direction.

She hung up the phone angrily,bas she realized that it would take them all at least an hour to get to the Arch.

She had spent the majority of her time coming here talking to Luke. He seemed really awesome, the only person besides Annabeth to ever actually listen to her and not try to lock her up in some sort of Asylum.

He actually believed her, and that warmed her heart.

She slowly had started to trust him over the past few ours.

Thats why, when he urged her to just go on in and not wait for the others, she listened.

That was probably the stupidest thing she has ever done in her life.

But also the bravest.

As she walked into the shop, she noticed that, oddly enough, there was no one else in the store.

Thats when she heard the sound a lock clicking.

She turned around instantly, checking her surroundings.

All she saw was Luke, stepping away from the door and slowly turning around, the scar across his face glinting evilly across his face as he smirked.

"Honestly Rach, that was way too easy for me. I never expected to find you on my break. You're probably all I need in order to prove myself."

"Prove yourself for what? Why are you doing this?" She asked bravely, although trembling.

"For me." Another figure suddenly replied, making her already sped up heart rate go into overdrive at the sound.

She whipped around again, so fast that her hair took a moment to catch up with her.

What she saw was enough to scar her for life.

Was that even understandable? I'm not so sure about this chapter, but I figured it was time for an update, albeit a short one. Please tell me how it was, it felt very sucky.

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