Chapter 8: Threats and Stab Wounds

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Chapter 8



They had the rottenest luck in history. Ever.

That had to be the only reason for Percy and Annabeth being in this situation. There they were, happily eating their burgers and laughing their hearts out when suddenly, Annabeth had a blade to her throat.

For a moment, nobody moved. Both Annabeth and Percy sat frozen in place with their stares to one another.

Then Annabeth sprung into action. She lifted up her leg and kicked him as hard as she could in an area that made Percy flinch so hard. The guy lowered his dagger instantly and groaned, "You're gonna pay for that."

He was about to stab her with the knife in the stomach, but Percy pushed her out of the way and the blade went straight into his left arm. He winced, but didn't scream as he stared into the black eyes of the goon.

Percy didn't know what happened next, but suddenly all he could see of the guy was a black skull jacket and the back of his head, the rest of him being on the ground knocked out.

Percy had punched him. His right hand really hurt from the punch he had delivered to the guy's ugly face. It didn't hurt nearly as bad as the knife in his left arm though, but he could handle the pain. It was the fact that there was a piece of sharp metal stuck in his arm that worried him.

"P-Percy?" Annabeth said with a worried expression.

"Yeah?" He grunted back at her. He winced in pain once more before he was being tackled in a hug. It was a good thing that he steadied himself.

"Thank you! I can't believe you did that, you idiot! You could have been killed! You know that right?"

"Yes, Annabeth. I am very much aware of that." Percy said. "I am also aware of the fact that you are hugging an arm with a knife in it. Let me just say: ouch."

"You took a knife for me?" she asked incredulously. Annabeth knew that the guy was attacking her, and that Percy blocked the blow. She didn't know that there was a knife involved.

Another thing she couldn't believe was how many sparks were flying off of her skin anywhere that was touching Percy.

She let go, blushing.

"Of course, Wise Girl. I'd take a knife for any one of my friends. Let alone my fiancée." He kidded.

"Are you seriously joking at the moment? You have a knife in your arm!" Annabeth screeched while pointing at the blade sticking out of his arm.

"Annabeth if you're so wise then you should know that I would always find a way to joke about everything. Besides, you of all people should know that I've faced worse pain than this little thing." Percy shrugged.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him before saying,"we gotta get this checked out, Percy." She was going to drag him out and away from the place and into some nearby hospital when there was another voice that interrupted them. Huh, she didn't know that there were still other people around. Most of them already ran off as soon as the knife was in plain view.

"Wait- Percy, Annabeth, fiancée. Are you guys - " A random guy in the McDonald's asked.

"Yes, we are them," Annabeth interrupted with a roll of her gray orbs. "Now, has anyone called the police yet, or are we just waiting for him to wake up some time soon?" She pointed at the goon.

But before anyone could answer, there was a loud noise of a revving motorcycle engine out in the parking lot of the food chain.

"I called the police, don't worry." a random girl called out from among the guy with the knife was still on the floor, not waking up anytime soon, yet everyone still kept a descent distant from him.

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