Chapter 13~ Chapter 2: We Got Kidnapped by a Crazy Grandpa

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Chapter 13

A/N: Yes, I am an awful human being. I honestly forgot I left you guys a cliffhanger. Don't worry, I actually have a plan for this story now.

Percy was annoyed. Extremely annoyed.

The lights were on while he was still trying to sleep in his for some reason, very uncomfortable bed.

There was a weird buzzing noise keeping him up also, which didn't help.

Then he remembered what happened.

His eyes shot open and he sat up, yelling "ANNABETH!"

Or as far as he could sit up, being chained to the floor with a weird bronze metal.

He looked around the cold, dark room and saw her, Annabeth, in nearly the same position as him except that she was still out cold.

He was so confused, he figured they would be in a hospital-which this did not look like at all.

Percy shook his head, deciding to focus on what was most important-Annabeth.

He looked at her worriedly, remembering not being able to hear her breathing after the accident.

To his immense relief, he could see the even rise and fall of her chest.

He smiled at that, then looked at her beautiful face.

Her beautiful, damaged face.

A red bandage was wrapped around her head, at least he thought it was red until he realized it was her blood soaking through the thick material.

That's when a door opened in the room, which looked like it shouldn't be possible at all.

A man walked in then, not glancing at Percy.

He walked over to Annabeth, and Percy-whose head still felt as though it were full of water, yelled "What are you doing to her?"

His voice sounded muffled, and his head felt like it would split from the sound.

He winced, and the man-no, teenager about Percy's age, smiled manically.

He was blonde, with a scar running down his face adding to his devilish look.

"I'm changing her bandages-unless you want her to bleed out." he said this so calmly that Percy laid back down again in confusion.

"Don't worry, my master will explain things to you soon enough."

He changed Annie's bandages and left.

That's when she woke up.

"P-percy what hap-ppened?"

"I have no clue Wise Girl, absolutely no idea."

"Hmm." is all she said before passing out again.

Percy frowned, and was about to say something when he found he could no longer keep his eyes open. His head hit the cement floor, and his vision went black again.

Annabeth woke to a slight pounding in her head. She couldn't remember why she was where she was.

On a cement floor with bronze shackles forcing her in place.

"What the Hades?" she asked aloud, blinking the haze from her eyes.

"Annabeth! You're awake, finally! How are you? Are you alright? How's your hea-"

"I'm fine Perce, just a headache. Where the flip are we?" she asked, blinking to get used to the faint amount of light in the room.

"As far as I can tell, a plain black jail cell with no way out whatsoever."

Annabeth immediately started analyzing the information.

"What happened, Percy?"

"Car wreck, I don't remember how it happened, though."

"I can answer that." A deep voice said, which did not seem to have any body to it whatsoever.

Then the almost-not-there door opened again

A tall silhouette stood there, directly in front of the light that hurt Percy and Annabeth's eyes.

The dark figure stepped out, and they could see him more clearly.


Percy's eyes darkened, and Annabeth seemed to get more defensive while still calculating what to do.

"I believe a Ferrari, gold of course, slammed into your Porsche. It was very strange, coming up out of nowhere almost. A hidden exit, I believe."

"Did you have something to do with this?" Percy spat, his eyes glaring into the solid gold ones of his awful grandfather, scars trailing down his face faintly.

"Of course."

"Are you the reason Ares tried to bring down our businesses?" Annabeth asked.

Percy hadn't even thought of that.

"Of course, it would have started a war between the companies. Then I would have stepped in when they were almost done destroying themselves and set up my empire. I would have ruled, except you pesky brats ruined everything."

"Why are you telling us this?" Annabeth asked.

"Because you are never getting out of here. At least, until my plan finishes."

"Where's here?" She asked.

"It would be easier just to show you."

With that their chains unclasped and he grabbed Annabethy by her arm and pointed a gun to her head.

"If you try anything, she dies. If she tries anything, she dies. Just follow me and don't lag behind. Actually, you know what? ETHAN!"

A scrawny pale kid with an eye patch practically ran into the room.

"Grab Percy, its time for the grand tour."

He did, and they started walking into a hallway. It was carved out like a cave, darkness everywhere. It was only slightly brighter then their cell. There was nothing but a very short dead end to their right. To their left was a short passage that led to a short wooden door. Kronos and Ethan walked them up to it, and unlocked it. That revealed another dark cave hallway, it was very short, and split off after about two feet. To the left was another cell. To the right was a stairwell that ended at the top with a steel door.

Kronos flipped on a light with his shoulder, which revealed his blood red tuxedo and clock tie.

Percy glanced back up at the door, and Kronos noticed.

"That door opens only with my handprint and eye scan. Very high-tech. We are under my St. Louis, Missouri Clock Shop; just in case you were wondering. There is no escape for you. I will leave you unchained in your cell from now on. Do something I don't like and you get shackled again."

"What about food, or if I have to pee?" Percy said.

"You get two meals a day each. In your cell there is a bathroom that has a toilet, sink, and soap. Do something disrespectful or try to escape and your soap privileges are revoked."

No one said anything to that, and they were walked back into their cell. The door closed as Kronos left, throwing Annabeth inside the room.

Percy just paced, and Annabeth had a strong "I'm thinking" face on, so Percy left her alone. Eventually he sat down next to her.

They sat there in silence, one figuring out what to do and the other waiting for the chance to break the silence.

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