Chapter 6: We Meet the King of Drama

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Chapter 6

They got on the Greyhound together, unsure of what was going to happen next. They were both worried, of course, of a lot of things. If they couldn't convince Zeus to lie off a little bit, or at all, then the wedding would continue as planned. That was the last thing the both of them wanted to happen.

Annabeth was staring out of the window, watching the cars go by and thinking up a plan.

She always had one, but this time, she couldn't think of a single one that's foolproof.

Percy quietly sat beside Annabeth on the bus. He simply stared ahead and thought of anything he could do or say to hold off the wedding. He had no idea what to do. He is a spur-of-the-moment guy and he does everything on impulse. He does have ADHD after all.

He finally looked over at Annabeth and asked her, "Do you have any idea what to do once we talked to Zeus?"

It took Annabeth a while to answer him, but then she did. "Yes, actually."

"What is it?" He asked curiously while maintaining his eyes on the road.

"I've been thinking-"

"No duh," Percy interrupted. He just couldn't help but annoy her even now.

Annabeth glared at Percy before continuing. "I was thinking that we ask him why he doesn't like our companies and explain the situation. We can make him sympathize. How would he feel if it was Thalia instead of us? Things like that."

Percy was doubted the idea. If what he heard from his father about Zeus was somehow true, Percy doubted that Annabeth's idea would work. It was, however, the best one they got so far.

Annabeth was worried about how vague and how many holes the plan had. Anything could go wrong. Zeus might not even care at all. Then what?

"It's not such a bad idea," Percy said.

"Yeah, let's just hope it works."

"It will, Wise Girl." And Percy turned to smile at her.

Heat suddenly flushed to Annabeth's cheeks and she avoided Percy's eyes by looking out at the window once more. It took her a few moments to calm herself down.

What the hell's wrong now?

Suddenly, the bus screeched to a halt. When Annabeth looked about, she figured that the driver of the bus almost missed a stop and there were people wanting to get out. In the midst of it all, her backpack went flying from her lap and under the seat in front of them. She sighed in annoyance before bending down to grab it.

But Percy's hands were there as well, picking up the bag at the same time as her. Their hands met, causing them both to blush slightly and reel back like they had been shocked by an invisible source of electricity. The two of them tried to play it off, but they had both felt it. There was that spark...

The three old ladies in big, different colored hats and mismatched dresses walked by and screeched at each other ruined the awkward moment. Actually, they weren't screeching, they were just talking. They had throat cancer or something. Either that or they really needed a glass of water.

"Ooh," the lady in a purple dress and matching hat said, "Whose baseball cap is this?"

Annabeth warily looked over to where one of the old ladies were looking at and was startled. It was the cap her father had given her on her 7th birthday, right before she had run away. It was the last thing he had ever given her.

She immediately bent down to pick it up. "Oh, um- Thank you ma'am. That's mine."

"Here you go dearie." The old hag said, smiling wickedly at her.

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