3. A Little Less Than Average

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“What?!”  I said turning around. 

“Aren’t you going to wait for me?”  Izzy said smiling at me.  The past two weeks have been scary.  I can read people’s minds.  That’s the verdict.  I seriously think I’m going crazy.

“Stop following me.”

“Not going to happen.  If I do I get attacked by a bunch of other girls that just annoy the crap out of me.”

“So you decide to annoy me?”  One thing I’ve noticed though is I can’t read Izzy’s.  I don’t know why though.


“Why is that?”

“Because you’re pretty.”

I blushed and turned around and faced him angrily.  I pushed him behind a building where no one can see us.  We have free time right now to go and do as we please.  “What is wrong with you?  I can’t figure it out.  Why do you like me so much?  I’m just a nut case who’s locked in this insane asylum they call a school.”

“And I think that’s attractive.”

“You irritate me.”


I gave him a weird look.  Then before I could do anything he had his lips on mine.  His hand wrapped around the back of my neck and his other hand was on my waist pulling me closer.  Even if I wanted to escape I don’t think I could, but I kind of don’t.

I backed him up to the wall.  He continued to kiss me.  He was a good five inches taller than me at six foot one.  Then something weirder happened.  ‘You really are beautiful.’

That was Izzy!  In my head!  I ripped away from him and fell backwards.  “What the hell was that?!”

He smirked.  “What was what?”

“I…I could hear…”

“Hear what?”  He looked at me like I was crazy.  If I said anything he probably would think I was crazy.

“I have to go.”  I started to run.

“Wait Felicity!”  I ran faster and faster until I got to the secluded garden. I sat there and hugged my knees to my chest.  What’s going on with me?  What’s happening? 

I was breathing heavily.  I just want to go home.  I hate it here.  Why does my stepmom have to be such a bitch?  She’s friends with Prickly Pross so she made a deal with her so I can’t get expelled.  A tear ran down my cheek.  I sniffled and wiped it away.

“Felicity?”  I heard Izzy say softly.

“Go away!”  I sniffed again.

“What’s the matter?”

“Did you not understand me?!  I said go away!”  I screamed at him.

“I only want to help Felicity.”

“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing you can help me with.”

“I bet there is.”

“I bet there isn’t.”

“Well, let’s see.  What’s bothering you?”

I sighed.  “Seriously Izzy, you’re better off going after one of those cute little girls with the blonde curls.  Not me.  I’m too much trouble.”

A Little Less Than AverageWhere stories live. Discover now