16. A Little Less Than Average

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We slowly got out of the room and we almost got far enough before we were cut off by Lucious' men.

"Izzy! Get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you!"

"Why do you have to be noble now?!"

"I'm not leaving you Felicity!"

We were both holding them off pretty well until Jane came. She stretched her arm and grabbed my throat.

"Felicity!" He screamed.

Her other arm lashed out and hit Izzy. He transported next to her, but before he could do anything a strange set of handcuffs were around his wrists and he collapsed to the ground.

Someone came out of the shadows clapping. "Very nice." Lucious said. I immediately recognized him for his scar across his eye. "Jane dear. Please don't kill her yet."

She dropped me and I gasped for air. "Bitch." I said with what voice I had. She kicked me in the face and I felt the blood in the side of my head.

"Well, that was impressive. I mean if there were more of you then wow, that would be one unstoppable group." He chuckled. "Well, I think we have new arrangements for you my dear Felicity and Israel. If you would please come with me." He paused for a second. "Like you have a choice."

I was in pain, there's no denying that. Someone cuffed my hands and picked me up by my arm. They also grabbed Izzy.

"I can't believe you didn't leave. Now we're in bigger trouble."

"I can't leave you."

"Yes you can! If it was to help me! They won't kill me if you're gone, but now they have us both. Nice going."

"I really don't think now is a good time for an argument."

"You know, I'm pissed at you, so I really don't think we are going to get another time."

"Well then shouldn't we make the most of it?"


"Felicity, I'm sorry."

"I know you are, but how's that going to help us now? Hm?"

"I don't know."

They threw us in a cell, much like the first one I was in."

"This is just temporary. Just until my new toy is finished." Lucious said smiling.

I just glared at the son of a bitch.

He chuckled and walked off. "Is your face okay Felicity?"

I touched my temple where she kicked me. There was dried blood. "I'm fine." I snapped.

"I'm really sorry okay."

"I'm not mad. I'm trying to figure out how we can possibly get out of this one."

"I'm not sure. But I think Tristan got some help and are on their way."

"Izzy that could take days! You transported here. They don't have that luxury."

"I know."

I sighed and sat next to him. "I suppose yelling and complaining won't do much good now will it."

"Probably not."

"Well, then I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. I was stupid. I have officially screwed up everything."

"Well, I'm the one that stood in the front yard and screamed at the top of my lungs."

"That is true."

I pushed his arm playfully. It was really hard to make the mood lighter at this point though.

I grabbed the sides of his face and pulled his lips onto mine. That was the only thing I could think of to get our minds off what's happening right now. I don't have the handcuffs on anymore, but he does. I guess it's to keep him here. They don't allow him to use his ability.

He kissed me back fervently. We stopped to catch a breath and he put his forehead against mine. "We'll get out of this. I promise."

"What if we don't?"

"Well, if we don't, then we don't. At least we're together."

"True. I don't entirely mind that." I caressed his face.

I laid my head on his shoulder and thought about everything that has happened. I tried to think of a way out and I came up with nothing.

I've been sent to a sadistic all girls school, that I thought my step mom sent me to because she hates me, but no my real mom sent me there because she wanted to protect me and keep me away from Izzy, but it ended up bringing me closer, then I find out my dad isn't my dad he's actually my stepdad and my real dad was killed by a crazy man. The girl that gave me the most shit at that school is actually trying to kill me and married to the man that killed my dad and my dad apparently killed her other half, and now she's a power driven whore and wants to kill her own kind. Did I leave anything out? Oh yeah apparently I'm super special. I still don't see why though. You'd think that after all that's happened we would have all the answers by now, but no. Some have answered some questions, but just raised more. Let's review. Izzy and I are destined to do something. We don't know what. Jane's other half was killed by my dad for some reason. We don't know why. Lucious is determined to kill us, but together. We still don't know why. Lucious knows about our kind and hates us. We don't know why. Because humans don't really know about us. And as far as I know Lucious is human. His crazy bitch of a wife isn't though. I still can't get over the fact that Jane is one of them. I truly didn't see that one coming. I would have see Prickly Pross or Stacey over Jane. She was just a teacher's pet. Crazy things man.

"What are you thinking about?" Izzy asked after some silence.


"Oh about what an interesting year it's been."

"Yeah that."

"Yeah. You know Felicity, I really am scared."


"Yeah. I mean there's a good chance we might die here. Who knows?"

"I know. I'm nervous about that too. But before we die all I want is some answers. You know?"

"I do."

"I think that's all I've wanted for this whole time. Since the beginning. Just answers."

"I know sweetheart."

I ended up falling asleep. Questions flowing through my head like sand running through your fingers.

**Izzy is such an idiot isn't he? Lol I know i kind of stretched it, but it's nessaccary <---holy crap i spelled that wrong! Anyway most of your questions wil be answered in the next two chapters. =) It's gunna get good! Hopefully you'll like it lol Hey, also i think you all should read Herself's story. There's only a preface right now, but i think it's really good. =) It deserves more recognition. I'm a fan of her. =)) Peace!**

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