5. A Little Less Than Average (PART TWO)

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We were in front of a charming little yellow house. It had a cute porch with swings and flower pots. "Aw! It's so pretty!" I exclaimed.

"Yep. This is my mom's house." He said rubbing his neck.

We walked up hand in hand and he knocked on the door. I heard shuffling then a bunch of locks. The door whipped open and a beautiful woman with long brown hair threw her arms around Izzy. "Israel! You're back!" She pulled away and looked at me. "And you brought Felicity! My she's beautiful! Look at that hair!" She grabbed a lock of my long curly red hair. I wondered how she knew my name, but I guess it's kind of obvious. They knew my name and obviously he has his ability so I'd have to be Felicity. "What brings you two here?"

"Well, mom. I wanted you to meet my wife." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Wife?!" She stared incredulously.

"Yeah. As of yesterday." He smiled proudly.

"Oh! Oh my! And you didn't have a proper wedding?" She seemed slightly appalled. Now that I think about it I kind of want t real wedding. When we kill Lucious, that's on my to-do list.

"Well, no. We didn't exactly have the time."

"What a shame." Then she stopped short. "Your eyes are much brighter. Was her hair always like this?" She asked.

"No. Her hair and my eyes changed after...last night."

"That's normal. My skin color changed."

"Huh?" I said with a weird look.

"Yeah, I used to be pasty white and then I was tan. It was strange."

"That is a little weird."

"Well, I'm so glad you visited! Alan! Get down here! Your brother is here!"

Then a boy about sixteen came downstairs. "Alan!" Izzy said going up and giving him a hug.

"Hey Izzy." Alan said hugging him back.

"I'd like you to meet your new sister in law Felicity." He said taking my hand and pulling me over.

"It's nice to meet you Alan." I said.

"So this is the infamous Felicity Jones. Only not Jones anymore. How interesting." He eyed me up and down. I squinted and smiled at him.

"Sizing me up or something?" I smirked.

"I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong with you?" He smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you're beautiful. You seem nice enough. You have supernatural powers and are like a total badass. What's wrong with you?" He said rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Then Izzy butted in before I could say anything. "You may want to reconsider the nice thing." He chuckled. I hit him playfully.

"Shut up Izzy."

"You two must be hungry! Let's go whip something up!" She exclaimed excitedly. She was so overjoyed to see us.

She ran into the kitchen and Izzy, Alan and I followed after. I gasped when we walked in. Everything was floating around and she was smiling and humming in the middle. It was like what you see in a fairytale.

"Come help you guys!"

"Mom, give us a hug."

She gave us a weird look then it seemed like something clicked in her brain. She gave us a hug and we copied her ability.

Then the night was spent singing cheesy songs and cooking with floating materials. My favorite was playing with the dough for the biscuits. I could mold it in the air and it was so much fun! Everything was a lot less messy when you use abilities.

We made fried chicken, biscuits, green beans, fruit salad, and fried zucchini. One of the most delicious meals I ever had.

After everyone ate and was satisfied we all went into the living room and talked and played Apples To Apples. It was a great night and I felt like my feet hit the floor finally and I could take a deep breath. I felt safe and happy for that moment and it was a great feeling. Even though at the back of my head, I couldn't help but feel awful for leaving Carol, Jim, and everyone at that place with those people. I had Izzy use his little finder thing to try and find them by their names. We found them all so they're still alive. That gave me a little piece of mind before I went to bed.

*Third Person almost a week or so later*

"Lucious sir! We have some important news!" Polly, one of the abnormals that sided with lucioud said running in. Her ability was simply controlling water. Fallon and Jane accompanied her. Jane was pulling the reluctant Fallon along.

"What is it now?!" Lucious snapped.

"I was out searching for our targets and we managed to actually find them."

"So why didn't you do anything about it! Why aren't they here?"

Jane spoke up. "Sweetheart something was off. Felicity and Israel were different. Tell him Fallon." She shoved the poor girl forward.

She was a quiet sheepish girl. "Um...well, I sensed something strange about Felicity. They were both beyond more powerful than us, but her even more. I don't know why but there was an excess of power with her. I could sense both of her abilities, but then there was even something else. What does that mean?"

"Much more powerful you say?"


"Oh my gosh. They've had sex." Lucious rubbed his eyes.

"But sir shouldn't they be even then? Felicity is far more powerful than Israel. I can't tell what it is though."

Lucious thought about it. Then he figured it out and began to laugh. He laughed and laughed.

They all started to chuckle along with him. Then he suddenly stopped.

"Do not under any circumstances engage in a fight with them. Especially her! She may accidently, or on purpose, kill you. She won't be able to control herself. We need to approach this from a different angle. She's too dangerous now. She's officially the most powerful and dangerous creature alive. Israel is the second most powerful and we'll definitely have to go through him to get to her."

"Sir what's the matter with her?" Polly asked.

Lucioud chuckled menacingly. "She's pregnant."

**Please don't bombard me with comments about how it was a little fast with the pregnant thing. It's neccessary okay! Everything will be explained in the next chapter. By the way they're still at his mother's house. They were just going to get some food when Lucious' possy saw them. I'd love your opinions on everything though. I hope you still enjoyed this chapter.**

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