3. A Little Less Than Average (PART TWO)

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*Plot twist! Lol Hope you like it!**


It's been three weeks. Izzy and I are slowly getting used to this new ability. It's so weird because we can copy people's abilities.

We've practiced for a couple days. I even copied Izzy's for a little bit. He copied mine too. That was really fun.

We tried Carol's ability. We tried John's. They were the only other ones there that had an ability that we didn't have.

Finally it was time to leave.

I've been borrowing clothes for three days now. I'm ready to go. It was only supposed to be a day trip!

Izzy and I loaded our stuff into a car this time. Professor Udelie told us about a road that leads back to the highway. I can't believe we didn't know about this earlier. Yeah, that pissed me off.

We drove back to where we were all currently located. We're in the United States for now because the other place of residence was burned to the ground.

We dropped everything off and got to work. We needed to locate Lucious. I wasn't sure on how they were going to do that, but they were going to consider his patterns. And with the amount of power he needs they can get rid of some options. They started doing all this stuff that I didn't understand. The only thing I get is the beat people part of it.

"Hey Felicity let's go for a walk." Tristan said all of the sudden.

"Oh! Hey Tristan! What's up?! I haven't seen you in a while." I gave him a hug.

"Yeah it has been a while. How was your trip?"

"Very informational."

We got onto a path through the woods. "You scared us for a while. We thought you were going to die."

"But I didn't. I'm tough."

"Yeah you are. But how tough?"

"I don't really know." I smiled at him, but there was something wrong. I quickly tried to read his mind, but I was a second too late. A tree branch far off snapped and hit me in my side. I fell to the ground and there was Tristan with his eyes glowing menacingly. "What are you doing?!" I yelled.

"They still have her! We didn't get to her in time! He made a deal with me. Bring him you and I get her."

"Lucious still has fallon?!"

"Yes! Everyone was so focused on you and Izzy we couldn't get to her!"

"Tristan! Don't do this! I'll help find her!"

Rocks lifted and tree branches broke.

Well, earlier when I gave him a hug I copied his ability just to try it out later, I guess later is now.

All the branches and rocks came towards me. I stopped and moved every one away from me using his own ability against him.

"What?" He said stunned. "You're just a mind reader?! How did you do that?"

"A lot of practice."

I lifted some rocks and flung them. Then I felt Izzy nearby. We have a high sense of each other. I know when he's near me.

I was simply distracting Tristan. Then I saw Izzy appear behind Tristan, touch him, then he was gone. He appeared again right next to me.

"Tristan stop this now!"

"Where the hell did you come from?"

"That's not important. You can't take on us both just give up now. We'll get Fallon back, I promise!"

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