10. A Little Less Than Average (PART TWO)

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**Please disregard the fact that the video is avatar the last airbender. that was the only video that had the correct song i wanted and wasn't a live version or something lol. Sorry. ;D It's a badass song though!**


We led them all out we separated them in two groups. One was reserved as a backup group if we got in trouble.

One of the girls knew the way around. That was her ability. Escape. She knew how to never get killed and the way through everything. It was quite incredible. I asked her if I could copy her power and she consented. That way we could find our way out.

We all split up. It was amazing. With her ability I could see the whole place like a map. It made me wonder how she was ever caught.

We continued down the hallway and I knew where the main room was and where Lucious most likely was.

Jake and Jessica were with us. We also found the real John and Carol. We didn't really have much of a plan. It was more like Izzy and I would go in first, alone, because I'm almost positive this whole thing is to get Izzy and I in the first place.

We found the door. Izzy and I held hands and took a deep breath.

We opened the door and walked in.

Tristan was standing facing up by Lucious. Lucious' back was to us.

"I've been waiting for you two to show up. What took you so long?"

"We had to make some other visits." I replied.

"How nice. I know that you have a large group waiting out there to take me down. I'm not stupid."


"But, this is between us. Not them."

"Well, they're more of an assurance."

"Felicity, I only want one thing from you."

"What's that?"

He turned around and smiled wickedly. "Your baby."

I gasped. How does he know about that? Well, I am showing more than I was. "No! Plus you wouldn't even be able to get her power!" I was not going to tell him there's two.

"Ah, but I will. I know for a fact that Fallon is pregnant too. With a boy."

That's when we had him fooled. I smiled. "Oh, and where is Fallon now?" I asked.

"In her room of course."

"No she's not."

"What?!" That caught him off guard. Even Tristan's attention snapped up.

"She's safely away from here."

I could tell he was seething. Then all of the sudden another door burst open farther down. And there was a furious Jane. "She's pregnant with twins!" She screeched.

Lucious looked at me with wide eyes. "Is that even possible?!"

I was speechless. Then all of the sudden the main doors burst open and there was a full fledged fight. The war has begun. There were tons of Lucious' mutants and his actual followers. They began attacking Izzy and I. We fought them off easily. It wasn't hard since we both had numerous abilities to choose from. All the abnormals on our side were fighting ferociously.

I did notice Lucious sneak out of the room. Heck no. He's not getting away this time.

While I kicked some girl in the face for trying to attack me I ran after him. He was running down the hall into another room.

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