9. A Little Less Than Average

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I woke up in the morning super sore.  I sat up and everything ached.  My shirt had some blood on it from my nose bleed.  That was disgusting so I decided I really needed a shower.  Izzy was still sleeping on his side of the bed. 

I got up and took a quick shower.  I had recently acquired a wardrobe from Carol.  I got some jean shorts and a tank top.  It felt nice to be clean.  I looked in the mirror and chuckled.  There was a prominent black eye and bruised cheek.  At least I can open my eye now though.

I walked back into the room and Izzy was still asleep.  I rolled my eyes.  I went down stairs to get some breakfast.

I ran into Tristan.  “Hey.”  He said smiling.

“Hello.”  I said smiling nicely.  I didn’t want to be rude.

“Listen I saw your fight and I have to admit that was pretty amazing.”

“Thank you.”

“Looks like you got a couple good bruises though.”

“Yeah, but I messed him up pretty good too.”

“Yeah I saw.”

“So what can you do?”

“I can telekinetically move things.”

“Oh cool!  Just like Izzy’s mom!”

“Yeah, I think so anyways.”

“Well, I’m going to go see if I can get breakfast.”  I said waving bye.

He caught up with me.  “I’ll go with you.  I’m pretty hungry.”


We went to the kitchen and I found some cereal and milk.  I leaned against the counter and he was eating his cereal across from me on the other counter.

“So you and Izzy really like each other?”

“Yeah, I believe so.”  I said chuckling.

“That’s cool.”

For a second I decided to read his mind to see his motives.  I immediately saw more emotion than thought.  It was extreme sadness.  I saw a face of a really pretty girl.  She was smiling and had long blondish brown hair.  He was jealous of the fact that I still had Izzy.

“I know you’re reading my mind, Felicity.”  He said smiling.

“I’m sorry.”  I said blushing.  I quickly turned and putting my bowl in the sink.

“It’s fine.  It’s what you do.”

“I know I shouldn’t ask because it’s rude, and feel free to be offended and walk away, but what happened to her?”

“Well…I guess if you want I can use a Star Wars analogy.  She went to the dark side pretty much.”

“What does that mean?”

“The people trying to steal our abilities offered her something she couldn’t refuse, then she just kind of got sucked up in it all and ended up helping them.  Then she wanted to leave, but once you’re in, you’re in.”

“But she didn’t die though.”

“She practically did to me though.  I’ve seen her once in the past couple of years and she looks dead on the inside.  She did recognize me.  I tried to get to her, but she ran away and got in a strange car and left.”

“I’m so sorry Tristan.  What is her name?”

“Her name is Fallon. I mean the only problem is I never know if I might die.  Because if she dies I do too.  I can’t protect her which is probably the hardest thing because that’s my only job in life.”

“Yeah, I can see that.  What can she do?  Why did they want to keep her alive?”

“She knows the powers and complexity of our kind.  She can judge if they’d be easy to get or difficult and what’d you need to get them.  Her power is really complicated.”

“I see that.”

“I’ve been trying to find ways to save her for years now, but it’s nearly impossible.  I have maps of their main base and everything, but you know they’ve already acquired some abilities.”

“Do you know what ones?”

“It’s hard to tell.  There are a lot of abilities that they could have gotten, but at the same time there isn’t an infinite amount, so they might have them all.  There’s no way to tell.”

“I see.”

“They took my best friend and his wife.”  He said sadly.

I hesitantly walked over and gave him a hug.  “I’m so sorry.” 

He returned the hug.  “It’s a twisted world we live in sweetheart.”

“So it’s all for money?”

“Yep.  And power.  He’s trying to make his own super race and get rid of us because we don’t listen.  He’s also taking our ability because he can alter it and put it into his own people to make them stronger and faster.  He’s had some problems though because it doesn’t work in humans well.  They are super strong for a short period of time then it eats away at them from the inside out.  He’s been trying to find ways to alter his test subjects to be able to handle the power.  That’s also why he needs more of us.”

“Wait, first of all how do you know all this?  And second who is doing all this?”

“Well, I’ve been doing my research.  I’ve been trying to find Fallon a way out after all.  And the man behind it all is named Lucious Vladimir Fitzgerald.”

“Does he have a scar across his eye?”

“That’s him! You’ve seen him?”

“Yeah Izzy and I were back at his dad’s house and right before we transported out of there he came in the room and he saw us.”

“He saw you.”

“Evidently he was looking for Izzy and I.”

“Of course he was!  That must mean you both aren’t normal!  Well I mean you’re more abnormal than even us!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I don’t even know.  But he never pursues our kind so much as you too.  He never actually visits the place where they are.”

“He also sent a squad to my school.”

“You’re kidding?”


“There’s more to you than meets the eye than.  You and Izzy.”

“I’m so confused!”

“So am I.  I need to talk to Carol.”

He ran off, just leaving me there with millions of questions buzzing in my head.  Why is Lucious so intent on getting Izzy and I?  

**Hehe. So many questions! But now you know about about Tristan. So that's good. If i left anything out let me know. I sometimes forget things. =)**

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