9. A Little Less Than Average (PART TWO)

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*Felicity's POV*

After hours and hours on a train we finally made it to Alaska. The reason for the train is because we were slightly worried. There are still people out there looking for us. They could be anywhere, so if they're on a train they'll be easier to take, we figured.

It was freezing when we stepped off though. I was shivering like no other. We quickly went and got two hotel rooms. We settled down for the night. When I finally managed to shiver myself to sleep I had the strangest dream.

I had two babies with me. I loved them both so much, but then one started floating away from me. I had them both in my arms so if I tried to reach for the one that was floating away, I might lose the other one. I began to panic because the one floating was getting too far. I finally couldn't reach her and broke down crying with the other still in my arms.

I sprung awake taking deep breaths. I had a sheen of sweat across my forehead. "Felicity? What's wrong?" Izzy asked sitting up and rubbing my back.

"I...I just had a bad dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, it's fine. It was just a dream."


"Goodnight Izzy."

"Goodnight Felicity." He kissed my cheek and laid back down. I cuddled close to him, but I couldn't go back to sleep. That dream was still fresh in my mind. What does that mean? Does it mean anything? Or is it simply a nightmare?

I settled with it was just a nightmare and I shouldn't worry about it. I fell asleep again with no dream, only to wake up in three hours for the next day. We need to find the lair today. Izzy and I got all ready and met Jake downstairs.

He was all ready and we peeled out of there. It was freezing outside, but we quickly rented a car and started going to work.

Izzy is positive Lucious has some sort of blockade to keep Izzy out. So Izzy can see where people are in the building, but he can't find the building himself, and he can't transport to where the person is. So at the moment we're at a slight disadvantage.

He's pretty sure he knows around where it is, so we're driving to where we think it is and then Jake is going to fly around to see if he sees anything mysterious.

It was about a three hour drive. I never realized how big and how freaking cold Alaska is.

I was shivering like the whole time.

Finally we stopped. "Okay, Jake we're as far as we can go without running the risk of being noticed. We need you to fly over and try and see something. We'll both go on foot."

I turned to him with wide eyes. "You're joking right?"


"Can't we like copy Jake's power?"

Izzy sighed. "Fine, but just as precautionary measures to get us out of any trouble."


We both touched Jake's shoulders and copied his power. Finally it was time to leave. Jake got out and took flight. Izzy and I started on foot.

We walked for a little while. Don't worry though we were both all bundled up and as warm as you can possibly be in Alaska.

"Izzy, I can feel them kicking."

I said smiling, just to break the silence. I really could feel them though. He turned and smiled, and then leaned over and kissed me. "I love you. I can't wait for this all to be over so our babies can be safe."

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