13. A Little Less Than Average

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The next morning I woke up with my arms still around him. He was awake though. "Good morning." I mumbled.

"You're not going to yell at me?"

"Why would I?"

"I thought you'd be mad."

"I'll let you in on a little secret."


"I was awake last night when you came to bed."



"I was really worried you'd get mad at me again."

I laughed. "Yeah I know."

"Of course you do, you annoying little mind reader."

"We better get going."

"You're right. But let's get the free breakfast before we go."

"Of course!"

I got up and grabbed some clothes. I changed into jeans and a flannel shirt. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and walked out. Izzy was dressed and already packing. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yep. Let's go."

We got everything, which wasn't much, returned the room key and made our way to the truck.

We got in and continued our journey to see my mother.


"Will you shut up!" I yelled. We are about half an hour away and I'm about to kill him!

He was singing loudly to Benny and The Jets! I hate that song! He was so off-key and he doesn't even know the words!

He just kept on singing. The song finally ended and I hit his arm. "Ow! Jeez! What? You can't appreciate the classics?"

"Not when they're being sung, loud and off-key! Are you seriously that tone deaf?"

"No, I just did an extra special job, just for you!"

"Jerk." I said turning completely away from him and facing the window.

He reached over and rubbed my back and chuckled. "You're so moody."

"Yeah, well people just piss me off easily."

"You know it's a good thing we're made for each other, so I can handle your erratic personality."

"Same goes for you buddy."

"Ha! I'm way better at handling you then you handling me. How many times have you screamed at me to get away, to shut up, beat me up, and so on?"

I thought about it. "Wow, I'm an abusive girlfriend."

"Well, for the record this relationship was forced and that's just your personality."

"Are you calling me a violent person?"


"Wow, way to be blunt." I smiled at him.

"Well, what's life when you beat around the bush?"

"Drawn out and pointless."


I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Hey we're here!" I said looking out the window.

He pulled into the driveway of a cute little house. It was seriously in the middle of nowhere. It was white with red shutters. A very nice garden and brick walkway.

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