14. A Little Less Than Average

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It's been a couple weeks and still no answers. I've tried and tried, but my mother is just as stubborn as me. I found out her ability is manipulation though. It doesn't work well on me.

"Mother!" I yelled. She was outside working outside on the garden. Always in the garden now a days.

"Tell me what I need to know now!" I yelled. I'm so sick of this beating around the bush shit!

"Felicity, no. Listen, I love you. I want to keep you safe. Run. Just keep running. Stay away from Lucious and his henchmen. Just go as far as you can! Please!"

"No mom."

She glared at me and got up and walked away. If you're wondering, I've been trying to find answers in her head, but it's nearly impossible. She now knows what I do, so she locks everything up in her head tight. It is possible to keep things from me.

I screamed. She's so infuriating! I stomped around the front yard for a while. All I want to know is why this man is after me. What's so wrong about that?!

All of the sudden I knew something was wrong. I looked around me. Nothing.

I walked around carefully. Then something grabbed me. I couldn't see anything, but I knew she was there. 'Got her!'

"Mom, Izzy run!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before she covered my mouth.

They came out and saw me thrown into a car that sped up and then I watched as they disappeared behind me before everything went black.

*Izzy's POV*

"Mom, Izzy run!" I heard Felicity scream from outside.

I ran outside and saw her being dragged away, by something I couldn't see. It must be someone with invisibility. Then a car sped up and they were speeding away. "Felicity!" I yelled running after the car.

It was gone too fast though. "No! Felicity!" Her mom yelled. "Izzy can you get her?!"

I tried finding her, but I couldn't. She didn't want to be found. "No." I said

"Get her back now! Please dear God!"

"I'll find her. I promise."

I went and got the truck. I know where I'm going. There's one person that would have any information on getting to where she is. Tristan.

*Felicity's POV*

I woke up on concrete. My head hurt like a bitch. I looked around. I was in a jail. Really? Just what I need right now.

"Hello?" I said. Trying to see if anyone was around.

"Hello?" I heard back.

"Is someone here?"



"My name is Sarah."

"Wait, Sarah, do I know you?"



"Oh my God! You can't be in here!"


"Is Izzy with you?"


"Oh thank God!"


"He can still save you!"

"What about you?"

She chuckled. "I know I'm done for. What matters is you."


"You don't know?"


"Well all the elders do. I heard them talking once. You and Izzy are destined to-"

"Ah! My dear Felicity! You're awake, how wonderful!" Someone said. I recognized that voice.


"I truly didn't know you were the one that he's has been looking for. This is just wonderful."


"Yes, you know him. Lucious."

"You work for Lucious?"

"Work for him?" She laughed. I'm married to him." She came into view smiling cynically. She looked different. VERY different. Instead of the Amish girl look she had on a tight black dress. Her hair was styled more fashionably, and she was wearing a whole hell of a lot of makeup.

"What the fuck." I said simply. I rarely say the f-word, but this was one of those required times.

"It's not nice to use language like that my dear Felicity." There was something else about her too. She seemed...older. Not in a bad way, just like instead of seventeen she looked twenty eight or so. "Didn't you learn anything at that school?"

"Why the hell were you there?"

"Well, my dear Lucious sent me there to recruit young girls. They're all so easily manipulated that it was pretty simple."

"Why are you married to Lucious?!"

"He has money. He has power. He has a plan."

"Wow, I thought you were a bitch before but this is ridiculous!"

All of the sudden her hand reached through the close bars and grabbed my neck. I couldn't breathe. Her whole body then slid through the bars.

That was just about the creepiest thing I ever did see. "You want to call me a bitch again? You know you made my job so much more difficult. The minute I saw you with dear little Izzy I knew you were who we were looking for. You and your bright red hair. It was unmistakable. But when we sent that squad, you had to go and be difficult and run away!" She held me up by the throat. I was seriously struggling now. I was about to lose consciousness when someone else came in.

"Jane dear don't kill the girl."

"Oh I'm sorry."


"Yes dear."

She dropped me and slid through the bars and ran off. I didn't even see who she was talking too. I was focused on breathing at this point.

What am I going to do? I made sure to not want Izzy here. He can't come get me. Or he'll be stuck too. That's just what they want. What I'm also curious about is why she's killing her kind. It's obvious she's one of us.

I curled up in a ball and eventually went to sleep.

**Whoa! Right? You didn't expect jane right? Lol It will get explained in the next chapter, but i'll explain it better right now. Jane's ability is like Mr. Fantastic from Fantastic four. But obviously she can adjust her face a little here and there. It's not like morphing just adjusting. Get it? Okay well i know it's a lot of short chapters put together. I'm still in experimental mode. Lol I'm still learning. I need to put more detail in, i know. Thanks for reading! Shoot a comment my way. =D Peace!**

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