Chapter 10 || Penang

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We've reached 10 chapters for TS! A milestone for me and there's still so much to go! Is it too much for me to want 1K reads for this story? (we're at 873)

Chapter 10 || Penang

      How in the world did she get that jacket? I only remembered Colton giving it to me in a blur to be kept into my bag because he didn't want to carry it around.

"How did you get that?" I asked her again.

"A certain someone left this at her table in the office so I brought it home for her."

"I can explain." I winced at how corny that sounded like.

"You mean, explain how you have Colton Hanks' jacket? Yeah, sure. Go ahead." she urged me.

"He's staying at my house." I blurted out.

"Come again?" she asked.

"He's staying at my house!"

"What? How?" she looked so confused.

I then told her about how I saved him from the mob of fangirls that were chasing him and how I took him in.

"You mean to say the Colton Hanks is currently living in your house?" she shrieked.

I nodded, a little taken back by how excited she was. "Uh, yeah."

"We're going to your house!" she announced.

"What? Now?"

"Duh!" she replied as if it was the most stupidest question she had ever heard of.

"I walked so far to your house and now you want me to walk back?" I asked her in disbelief.

"No, sweetie." she grinned. "I've got a car, remember?" she swung her car keys in front of me happily.




"Must we really do this?" I asked Andy in exasperation.

"Mmhmm." she replied excitedly.

"I can't back out from this?" I asked her.

"Nuh-uh." she shook her head.


"You should feel guilty for lying to me about him and now you're defying me the rights to meet him?" she asked me.


"Tell me," she braked the car at the red light. "Did he make any moves on you yet?" she looked at me and waggled her eyebrows.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend one week ago." I reminded her.

"That pathetic dude?" she scoffed. "He doesn't know what he's missing out on."

I smiled. "That's so sweet of you!"

"I mean, he doesn't have to deal with your annoying whines and taste in music." she instantly corrected.

"I whine a lot?"

She shrugged. "But your taste in music really sucks."

"Since when?" I protested.

"Excuse me. Do you even know who you're listening to? Taylor Swift. Ew." she shivered.


You can talk bad about anything else besides Taylor. I'm a big Swiftie, through and through.

"Just kidding." she grinned and started driving again when the traffic light turned green.

"You better." I huffed and crossed my arms.

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