Chapter 24 || The Bomb

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Hello guys! If some of you didn't read the previous A/N, my twitter handle is : @_cyberhater_ Just mention me and include in your username on Wattpad and I'll follow you back!

On a side note, please pray for all those affected by the recent airline disasters... God bless you guys! xx

Please bear in mind that this will be a heavier chapter to digest, so read it thoroughly and slowly. Enjoy!

Chapter 24 || The Bomb

      If I were to say that the ride to the hospital was a calm and collected one, I would be lying.

But then again, how can I be? Knowing that my mum was not okay and I wasn't able to tell from the signs, I felt horrible.

I glanced at Colton from the rearview mirror trying to catch his eye or see his facial expression, but nothing gave away what he was feeling inside. I wasn't sure of what to feel. All I know was that I'm currently in a turmoil and I just want to know how my mum was doing.

I nearly sighed in relief when Ray flicked the indicator towards the drop-off point of the hospital. I ran out of the car and pressed the button of the elevator as hard as I could, hoping that a lift would miraculously appear right away.

Not waiting or caring if the boys were behind me, I pressed the button of the floor my mum was at. Liz had texted me the floor and room number on the way to the hospital, so I didn't need to ask anyone where my mum was.

Ray and Colton barely squeezed in into the lift before the doors closed. I wasn't sure if I was feeling disappointed that I was in an enclosed area together them, but all I knew was that I felt extremely uncomfortable in their presence; especially after Colton's harsh accusations over things I have not done.

I didn't want to think about what had happened before Liz's call so I was definitely relieved to hear the 'ding' of the lift. Making sure that I was at the correct floor, I squeezed past some people and raced out of the lift. I could hear Ray and Colton trying to get out of the lift after realising that I was out.

I slowed my pace after receiving a few words from the nurses and searched for my mother's room.

Room 201.

There you are.

I pushed open the doors and were instantly greeted by my sister who was sobbing into her boyfriend's shoulder. She looked up at the sound of the door opening and instantly rushed to me once she realised that I was there. "Ari!" she pulled me into a hug while continuing to sob, but now into my shoulder instead of Jim's.

"How's mum?" I asked her while patting her back lightly.

"Hmm?" she sniffed and pulled away from me. "She's there." she said softly while nudging towards the hospital bed.

I walked away from her and there was my sleeping mum, hooked up into so many machines while looking paler than I'd ever seen her been in before. "Oh, mum." I gasped when I realised exactly how serious her condition was.

Her eyes fluttered open and they flickered to me before she opened her mouth and whispered raspily, "Arianna." She tried to lift her lips up to form a smile but even that small action couldn't be done.

I couldn't stifle a sob from coming out when I saw how helpless she was now. My mum was always a strong woman, so seeing her this way for the first time in my life made me feel vulnerable; like a little girl again.

She looked so small lying there in the big hospital bed. Her wheelchair stood faithfully beside her bed.

"How are you?" I walked closer to her until I sat on the chair near her bed.

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