Bonus Chapter

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes! You guys are the best, I swear! (:

I'm currently sick so please excuse all mistakes!

On other news, we have reached 12K reads and had reached #230 in the Humor chart and #376 in Teen Fiction! THANK YOU!

Oh and guess what? I've gotten a freaking MERIT for my Grade 8 practical exam for piano! I'm so happy! I wasn't even expecting a Pass, let alone a Merit! After 7+ years, I'm (finally) done with piano!


Bonus Chapter


"Love is a funny thing." - Love Someone by Jason Mraz.


      If I would gave gotten a 1 dollar note for every time I had cursed today, I would probably be bathing in money by now.

Oh, don't mind me. I was in a perfectly fine mood when I woke up this morning. But of course, that was before the very guy beside me -who was still rapidly tapping his fingers on the table as we were waiting for our names to be called, despite me telling him off for it just one minute ago- ruined my good mood.

"Colton, I swear if you do that again," I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "I'll personally make sure that we'll never have kids, unless there really is one already growing in my tummy."

We were currently waiting at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at the Sime Darby Medical Centre. Colton had insisted that I had to go to a private hospital instead of the public one like I had wanted to.

But I had to admit, the interior designing was a vast improvement compared to other hospitals that were too sterile-looking with their utter blankness and blandness. Yes, by that, I mean stereotypical white walls and stiff couches that do nothing but sore your backs.

Instead, the waiting lounge here had soft pink paint on the walls, comfortable cushions and a coffee table stacked with pregnancy magazines and pamphlets for waiting soon-to-be-parents.

Colton had the tendency to grin at me sheepishly before leaning over to peck my lips. "Sorry," he apologised. "I've never felt this nervous before besides that other time when I wanted to propose to you."

My lips broke into a smile at that particular memory. "How can I forget? You thought you were trying to be romantic by hiding the ring in the cake and almost made me choke!"

He groaned. "I can never live that down, can't I?"

A mischievous smile was plastered on my face. "No can do, Butt Boy."

"Butt Boy? I thought that name-calling stopped literally 7 years ago! For the love of God, let it go!"

"Can't hold it back anymore..." I couldn't help but sing, causing his face to twitch with annoyance.

"Ari.." he gave a warning look to me.

"Colton.." I mocked him playfully.

He sighed and pecked my cheek. "I'll never win against you, babe."

"You love me." I pointed out.

"Indeed." He gave me that grin which still never failed to make my heart beat faster. "I love you." He said as he reached for my hand and held it in his own.

Those three little words meant so much to me. A soft smile immediately planted itself onto my face and I returned the three words to him too. "I love you too, Butt Boy."

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