Episode 2

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Joe and Demi reach the end of the beach as Joe goes the opposite way back to where he started. Joe turns to Demi and gives her a small smile before moving his glance over to the beach hut which kind of looks like a cafe as well.

"You wanna hang out there?" He says motioning to the beach hut, Demi smiles and nods but then looks down at herself.

"Let me just go back home to shower and change then I will meet you there say in an hour?" Demi says and Joe nods smiling.

"Sounds good." They go their separate ways going to their houses.

Joe walks through the door of his house smelling bacon and eggs being cooked, he smiles and makes his way into the kitchen where is mother is stood there cooking breakfast for her 4 sons, he walks over kissing her cheek before pouring himself a drink of orange juice.

"Where did you go?" Denise asks starting to plate up.

"For a jog now I got my health back." Joe says taking a plate as she hands it taking a seat next to his older brother who is doing something on his phone.

"Glad to know you're feeling better." Kevin says thanking his mom as she puts a plate in-front of him.

"Thanks," Joe says to Kevin then goes back to just announcing. "I'm off out after this and a shower though." Joe says taking a sip of his drink.

"Where?" Nick questions. 

"Just to a beach hut with a girl I met while jogging," Joe admits and everyone looks at him including his 8 year old brother Frankie. "What?"

"Not another one." Denise complains and Joe shakes his head as everyone carries on with their breakfast. He hasn't had that many girlfriends.

"Whatever, I haven't had that many girlfriends." Joe states and everyone laughs but Denise who replies to his comment.

"You know you have, just be careful with girls." She lectures and Joe smirks.

"Not my fault I got all the good looking genes." He teases placing the last bit of egg in his mouth before exiting the room making sure his brothers couldn't say another word before his does. He enters his room grabbing some clean clothes which will also keep him somewhat cool at the same time before entering the shower. He feels good to be up and moving again since he's had a fever the last couple of the days, his mom thought he had food poisoning from when they ate out not long ago. Joe dries himself and his hair the best he can before changing into clean clothes grabbing his phone and keys before heading out the house to his car knowing he's probably a bit late already. He arrives at the beach hut taking a seat next to Demi who is also freshly showered and in clothes which he would imagine would be her style.

"Hi Joe." Demi greets.

"Hey Demi, you want a drink?" Joe questions telling him what she wants and handing him some money but he just hands it back. "I'll pay." He says and leaves before she can protest knowing she would. He soon comes back with the drinks handing her hers.

"I'm paying next time." Demi demands.

"You're not that kinda girl are you?" Joe complains and she hits him playfully. "So tell me about yourself." Joe says taking a sip of his drink.

"What do you want to know?" Demi questions not knowing what to tell him.

"Anything." Joe replies.

"Like what? You're not helping." Demi groans and Joe lets out a small chuckle. They begin talking about random things just getting to know each other more. Demi learnt that Joe is 19 and studying to be a doctor while Joe learnt that she is 16 really not looking forward to her senior year.


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