Episode 44

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A couple of hours later Joe is laid next to Demi on her bed as she sleeps stroking her hair gently, she cried herself to sleep after hearing the news that their daughter hadn't made it and he doesn't even know the story behind it. He tried to remind her that they have two little boys still to love and care for but fully understands why she is so upset, losing a little girl who could have lived a happy full life. He's not looking forward to the time when he has to sign her birth certificate soon after signing her death one. Their little girl was alive for approximately 5 minutes before he heart stopped and they couldn't get it started again. Their little boys are fine though just need to be fattened up a bit since they are a 6 weeks premature. Joe's focus moves to the door when he hears it beginning to open seeing Sel's head poking through.

"Demi's parents are here." She states quietly.

"Let them in, I'm gonna go home and have a quick shower." Joe states climbing up carefully not wanting to wake Demi up after what she's been through. He greets her parents as he makes his way out the room taking a seat on the chair next to Miley.

"You know what happened at school?" He questions and they nods.

"Taylor called us," Miley states before explaining what Taylor had told her while Demi was in the operation. Joe doesn't say anything, just gets up wondering out of the hospital.

Joe wonders up a stoned path trying his best to control his anger, he hasn't come here to hurt her, just come here to teach her a lesson. He knocks gently on the door waiting a couple of moments until the door opens revealing Amy. She looks up at him and smirks even after seeing his expression which doesn't look very happy.

"Finally figured out who's best for you?" She questions.

"Why did you trip my girlfriend up?" He demands to know ignoring her statement. 

"What does it matter to you?" She questions again.

"Because you killed my daughter," He states watching as if she has any human feelings in her body but she doesn't. Her expression doesn't turn into guilt or even sorry for either of them, it says the same just wanting him to go into her bed with her. "I should have been bringing home three babies not two and it's all because you tripped her, did you think I was gonna get with you if you tripped my girlfriend up?" Joe asks.

"Well no but either way you should be with me not her." She announces.

"Fine, you want me? You've got me," Joe states beginning to lean in, she smirks leaning in too. Joe stops when he was just a couple of inches away from her lips, she can feel his breath on her face making her want him even more. "Goodbye Amy." Joe murmurs before turning on his heel down the stoned path his hands in his pockets smirking when he hears her groan and slam the door.

"Come here." Joe commands Taylor so they are standing outside the door. He leans over giving her a hug. She smiles hugging him back, Joe pulls away and grabs her hand in a friendly way leading her down towards his car.

"Where we going?" Taylor questions jumping into the passenger side.

"Demi wants to talk to you." Joe states driving off strapping himself in at the same time. Thankfully he thinks he finally got Amy off his back though with Demi not having to go into school anymore everything should be fine. Joe pulls up at the hospital beginning to lead Taylor through the corridors until they find themselves at Demi's door. Joe opens it allowing Taylor to walk through before he makes his way in too greeting Demi who is now awake.

"What took you so long?" Demi questions.

"Oh I just went to see Amy." Joe states as Demi and Taylor raise their eyebrows in confusion making Joe laugh


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