Episode 35

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Taylor wonders up the stoned steps her heart hammering against her chest debating whether she is about to do the right thing. She'd never liked Demi, just pretended so she could still be friends with Selena and Miley. Demi had always been the leader and Taylor thinks she thinks she better then not just them but any over girl in the school. This will now be a good way to get back at her and knows it will help out her enemy a lot. Taylor knocks on the red door it soon opened by Amy, Amy took one look at her before she was about to shut the door. That was until Taylor put her foot in the way making it stop and Amy stumble backwards slightly.

"Go away loser, what do you want?" She demands leaning against the doorframe looking down at her nails clearly not showing an interest in what Taylor has to say, that was until she spoke.

"Demi's a bitch." She states making her look up at her showing Taylor her full attention surprised with what she just heard.  

"I thought you were friends?" Amy questions stepping out closing the door behind her, she begins walking through into the backyard Taylor following.

"I never liked her, I won't go into details know but I know you like her boyfriend." Taylor states as they take a seat on the porch swing. Amy raises her eyebrow wondering whether her and Demi were ever alone in that corridor, first time she saw Joe and he was kissing probably her worst enemy ever since Kindergarten. He's hot and it's a way to torment Demi therefore she gets not just one but two satisfactions out of the task.

"So what?" Amy questions.

"Think about it, I'm friends with Demi, I could tell you things that have been happening to get at Demi." Taylor explains and Amy's smile becomes feral thinking now what she could do with this offer. She could finally get at Demi good and proper.

Joe and Demi are laid on the bed they now share looking down at the scan picture a couple of weeks later like they have been the past 5 minutes not actually believing these three miracles are growing inside Demi's stomach. They are getting more and more used to the idea of becoming parents everyday but are still terrified as you would expect. As for Joe he had been calling his family every day missing them a bunch but knows he is months away from gaining his own family to take care off. Demi had requested she had more scans then a usual patient would for the fact she is carrying more than just one. She wants to make sure all three come out healthy and ready to begin a hopefully lifetime of happiness. She is now eight weeks pregnant and have found out that she will be having 2 identical babies since a scan showed that they were growing in the same amniotic sac which apparently is really rare, they would usually have their own. She is also starting to show wish is awkward since only families and Sel know, Demi hadn't even told Miley or Taylor yet though she believes some people are beginning to think something is going on.

"two boys and a girl, two girls and a boy or 3 of one of the genders?" Joe questions Demi and she thinks about it carefully.

"I don't care, I'd like at least one of each but I wouldn't mind whether I get a extra boy or girl," Demi admits and Joe smiles. "What about you?" She asks poking his stomach, he chuckles.

"I don't mind either but I guess I always seen myself with a daughter." He admits.

"Why?" Demi asks curious.

"I don't know, I just have," He tells her. "But a boy would be nice as well." he admits again.

"Thought about names yet?" She inquires and he grins knowing he can't deny he has. He leans under the bed grabbing out a notebook that he writes songs in showing her a doodle he has done when he was obviously stuck on a song. Demi smiles wide when she reads through a list of boys and girls names he had thought about some being what she likes but some being she doesn't. They won't agree on every name under the sun though.


Wanna help with the names? Comment 3 boys and 3 girls names and I might pick from them :D

Last of the night, 3 comments in the morning and I will update  

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