Episode 8

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They both climb out the car Joe trying his best not to look up at the massive rides that he could be on soon but he doesn't know if he can do it, he'll be able to go on some of the rides just the smaller ones but the ones that Demi would probably like to go on he just doesn't know if he has the guts. Joe gets out the car and Demi instantly drags him towards the gate with a wide smile on her face as they get in the queue. For the rest of the ride Demi had figured out he doesn't like rides probably for the height or something but she thinks it's sweet how he's still gonna go on them even though he's clearly terrified, she's just seeing how long until he cracks.

"I think we should go on that one first," Demi says pointing at a massive rollercoaster. "It's the biggest in the park." Demi states and Joe's eyes wonder up to the great big rollercoaster nausea instantly hitting him. Joe sighs and grabs her hand dragging her to the side, he can't do this anymore, he has to tell her the truth.

"Demi I can't, I'm scared of heights." He admits and Demi smiles.

"Finally, I was waiting to see when you'd crack," She admits herself. "If you don't like them then why did you say you'd bring me?" She asks and he shrugs.

"I guess I didn't want to disappoint you." He admits and she smiles again hugging him, he wraps his arms back around her as they share a hug. She pulls away moments later and looks up at him kissing him softly on the cheek.

"Where shall we go no..." Demi begins but gets interrupted.

"Joe?" They hear Joe looking straight ahead but Demi having to turn around seeing a girl probably the same age as her with long black flowing hair coming down just past her shoulder. She has natural beauty something Demi wishes she could have and Joe knows she has.

"Oh hey Caitlin," Joe greets as she walks over. "This is Demi, Demi this is Caitlin my brothers girlfriend." He introduces and they greet each other.

"I never thought I'd see you here." Caitlin says.

"We were just leaving." Demi states grabbing onto Joe's hands about to pull him away but his feet stay firmly on the ground demanding his stays in the spot he's stood on.

"If you want to go in we will, I just won't go on any of the big rides." Joe demands and Demi smiles nodding in agreement.

"I can go on the big ones with you if you'd like? I was only here with my Aunt and cousins but I'm sure they won't mind." Caitlin suggests and they both agree. Caitlin tells her Aunt where she is and she has her cell with her before they enter the park. Joe is still feeling nauseous just looking up at the ride but he won't stop Demi having fun. Joe ends up being the person looking after the bags while they go on the big rides but he doesn't mind if Demi's having fun, he finds it funny whenever the ride comes to his angle Demi and Caitlin will wave to him. The morning goes by quickly and soon it's Lunch, the girls decided it would be better to get the big rides out the way before they go eat something starting to go on the slow rides that Joe may even go on with them. The girls come out of the gate rushing over to Joe dragging him of the bench towards the next and last big ride.

"Girls I'm hungry, I didn't eat breakfast." Joe groans and they let go of his arms.

"We'll take our bags then while you get food, this is the last big one anyway." Demi says taking her bag from around his shoulder as Caitlin does the same. They work out a place to eat and meet up after the ride has done and they separate. Joe goes to order there meal and by the time they had come off it was just about ready, they all grab their own and find a bench to sit down and eat.

"What don't you like about heights Joe." Demi asks curious and Joe shrugs.

"I have no idea, I've just always hated them even as a kid." He admits.

"Nick says you're a wimp." Caitlin states and Demi laughs.

"Good job I'm not as annoying as he is, I would push him off a cliff if I would dare go up there." He says and they both laugh.


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