Chapter Four

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Her eyes finally opened a few minutes later and she felt an incredible yet soft and familiar presence of energy.

"That jerk. He wasn't teaching me magic, he was trying to teach me nen." She murmured quietly. If I wanted to learn about nen, I would have stayed with Gitta-kun. She thought to herself. Hisoka then spoke, surprising her.

"I'll see you at the party tomorrow Mina-chan~"

She then jumped at the memory of the circus party, I was supposed to pack a lunch for that tomorrow! And with that she ran home to figure out her plans for the next day and ready herself for her final show in this location.

When she returned to her shared trailer that evening to ready herself for her performance, she noticed the other females avoided her and moved to the opposite side of the trailer. She recognized this and frowned, but had little time to address this. She was wearing her special "last day" outfit. It was more provocative than she was used to; it was basically pink panties and a turquoise bra, a beaded, short jacket and a long piece of printed silk wrapped around her waist. Statement heels completed the look and with a nod to the mirror she went to go watch the magician perform his act.

Hisoka was also pulling out all of the stops for his final act in this location. For this special occasion he allows one volunteer from the audience to participate in his final trick. Mina always wished to be this volunteer, for obvious reasons, but she was never a part of the audience and therefore never got the chance. As Mina watched from behind the curtain, she saw a dangerous glint in Hisoka's eyes as he glanced in her direction.

"And for our last trick of the evening, I'll be requiring a very special volunteer~ The one and only Mina-chan the beautiful!~" And with this he pointed his hands towards the curtains, releasing an invisible pink strand of nen towards her. Mina stood there in shock, when she felt a push coming from behind her and a pull from in front of her . She looked back as she stumbled into the arena and saw Yuuga with a mischievous smile waving to her and wishing her luck.

"Ms. Mina-chan, could you please step forward to the middle of the arena ~" she did as she was asked, although she did so warily.

"For my final act, I'm going to make Mina-chan fly!~ At least more than she usually does~" The audience roared with excitement when he winked and pointed towards the ceiling. Hisoka then leaned over and placed a hand on Mina's back, whispering "bungee gum". Mina gave him a rather confused look and suddenly she was whisked into the air. Although, she was startled at first and let out a yelp, she soon began enjoying herself as she was floating mid-air as if suspended from the ceiling. Hisoka chuckled to himself as he connected his bungee gum to his chest and once again pointed upwards, this time towards Mina.

Suddenly Mina found herself hurtling towards Hisoka, both extremely pleased and terrified. The audience screamed in both fear and delight as they watched the small woman drop towards the ground. At the last minute Hisoka pulled her into a somewhat compromising position with his hands holding her bottom, giving it a few strong squeezes and causing a deep blush to appear on Mina's face. The audience cheered. Still holding Mina, he took a bow and then tossed her up to her still rings, taking this chance to both exit the arena and giving a last wink, sending the audience into a tizzy. And with this Mina began her greatest performance yet.

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