Chapter Eleven

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And meditate she did, for weeks. Getting up only to take care of herself, she lived in Chrollo's apartment. They often enjoyed meals together, taking turns learning more about each other. It was a game of sorts, where Chrollo would ask a question about Mina and Mina in return would ask a question back, each answering their own question as to keep it fair. Today was a similar kind of day.

"Do you know any person who goes by Morou-sama, Lucilfer-san?" Mina asked. She desperately wanted to find him. How could one person be lost to her in a single building?

"Morou... sama? Let me think. Is that their last name, Mina-chan?"

"Yes, his first name is Hisoka, but I would never call him that. I don't know him nearly well enough."

"Ahh, Hisoka Morou. Yes, I know of him."

"Do you know where he is?!" Mina immediately stood up, knocking over her breakfast tea. With lightning fast reflexes, Chrollo caught the cup before any real damage could be done.

"I believe it's my turn to ask a question, since you clearly know Hisoka." Mina whined at this. "Alright, I'll lead into your line of questioning. How do you know Hisoka? He's apart of my group that we talked about. He's rather new, within the last few weeks actually."

"Morou-sama and I worked at the circus together and he was so spectacular, like his magic show..." Mina rambled on and on about the quality of Hisoka's shows, his skills, his looks and anything else that came to mind as Chrollo patiently waited for the pinkette to finish. She was rather... cute being so obsessed over this man. I wouldn't mind having even a quarter of this obsession fall onto me, he thought to himself absentmindedly as he sipped his breakfast tea. Quickly he composed himself. What an odd thought to have... Yuuga-san did say she was 'just my type' whatever that meant. Chrollo thought that he didn't really have a type, thinking back to all his previous romances and one night stands. The girls in the phantom troupe aren't really similar to each other. Not that I really enjoyed them, always trying to 'fuck Danchou'. Is that what Yuuga-san meant? That this girl won't care about me and that's why I'd like her?

"Lucilfer-san!" Mina broke his concentration. "Do you know where Morou-sama is?"

"Oh. Yes, I do. I go see him at night sometimes. But I won't be taking you to see him until you're stronger. I won't let you get distracted before I can fulfill my favor to Yuuga-san. Does that sound alright?"

"Yes, yes, fine, fine. Let's just start meditating." Mina replied with a scowl.

"No more meditating for now. We'll finally do your leaf test, get a reading on your nen type. I'm sure it's going to be specialist, but let's still see. Clean up the plates while I set it up."

Mina nodded and took the plates to the sink. Chrollo ventured towards the living room, arraigned the cup with the leaf in it and sat cross-legged down in front of his coffee table. Seeing that Mina was finished, he motioned for her to come over.

Mina walked over to Chrollo and promptly sat down. In his lap.

"I'm not complaining at all Mina-chan, but your first thought was to sit on me rather than next to me?"

"I can move if I must."

"You certainly don't have to. In fact, if I can say so this is rather..." Chrollo laid his head against hers and wrapped his arms gently around the small girl, "pleasant."

Mina snuggled in closer, content with the warmth that he was providing. For such a cold acting man, he was quite cuddly. Chrollo on the other hand was confused.

"But don't you love Hisoka, Mina-chan? Isn't this being... I don't know... unfaithful to him?"

"Well... it's complicated..." Mina began. "Morou-sama isn't mine per saya... we've you know..." she whispered, "done it. But we're not exclusive. Plus I believe that you can like multiple people in different ways." She tilted her lips up to Chrollo's chin. "For example I like sitting in your lap. Your coat is warm and fluffy and I feel like your lips are too!"

Chrollo blushed furiously. She's too cute. He thought. I'm going to have to have her. These thoughts had been building up inside him for weeks. Watching her meditate, her small frame sitting perfectly still, her large breasts slowing moving up and down. It was simply tantalizing to watch her, but he had kept his distance to respect Yuuga. But now that she was showing some type of interest in him... would it be okay if he allowed himself the simple pleasure of enjoying it? Testing the waters, he tilted his lips downwards.

"If you'd like to try and see before we begin training, I wouldn't object." He felt the words slip out of his mouth before he had a chance to think of the consequences. She could slap him, not that it would hurt. She could get up and leave, which would be very irritating to him. All these consequences ran through his head after the words came out that he barely had time to register the soft, pink lips that brushed against his.

Mina giggled. It was funny to see such a seemingly powerful man in such a state. This must be how Morou-sama feels when he teases me! She thought gleefully, enjoying the self-comparison she had just made.

"Alright Lucilfer-san! I'm ready to get started."

"A-alright Mina-chan. Focus your aura onto the glass."

Mina obeyed and focused her aura weakly onto the glass.

"A conjuror? Hmm, I really expected something different. You must be a natural nen genius then. That's pleasing. That will make training much easier for you. It would explain your fast pace. You'll have to choose your specific power, beyond your specialty. You probably don't want to waste your time on developing your specialty. I would recommend choosing something similar for every day use and saving your other nen for emergencies." Chrollo nuzzled into Mina's neck, seemingly exhausted from his uncharacteristic monologue.

"I can't use my nen ability very often. And I get really tired after it. Maybe if I could learn to control it better, then I could think of a way to refine a part of it that isn't so tiring." She pivoted around in Chrollo's lap in order to look him in the eye, gearing up to ask an important question.

"Are you going to explain your nen ability in full yet?" Chrollo asked deviously.

"Maybe if you answer my next question."

"Oh? And what is that?"

"Why do you go see Morou-sama at night?"

"Oh. We have sex sometimes."

Mina could literally here the record scratch as she froze and looked at the man in front of her. Then, she burst out in laughter.

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