Epilogue Part Two

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"Anomi, where is your father?" Mina stroked her son's long pink hair as his blue eyes stared up at her. He was five years old and absolutely precious.

"He's training Banji with Daddy!" Anomi smiled and snuggled closer, enjoying the quiet alone time with his mother. It was a rarity in this house now that anyone got one-on-one time and that meant when it happened, that it needed to be savored. But this was quickly over when Chrollo walked in with his daughter.

"Here she is, the littlest baby of the bunch! Our one and only," He hoisted her above his head and spun her around, "Nona!"

"Eeee!" The three-year old squealed in delight as Chrollo plopped down next to Mina and allowed Nona to crawl into her arms. Kissing her head lovingly, she noticed Chrollo reach over and request Anomi's affection.

Anomi normally kept to himself, a very dedicated mother's boy, but Mina noticed his small arms reach back out to the crime boss. She smiled to herself as Nona wiggled around in her lap. Anomi wrapped his arms and legs around Chrollo as he was lifted and brought into his own lap.

"How are you today, Anomi, darling?" Chrollo asked as he laid his cheek on the child's head.

"I missed you, Papa." His tiny voice whispered.

"We all missed you, 'Papa'!" Mina leaned over and kissed Chrollo's face. "Gone for a month, when everyone happened to be home! It was torture."

"And yet, when I come home, and lay in bed, everyone acts as if we have never fit four people in it before." He scoffed as Anomi snuggled against him.

Mina laughed at this wildly.

"And it doesn't help that someone killed one of the women who I was trying steal their abilities." Chrollo added.

"I got jealous! You're too flirtatious! Find another way next time, Chro."

"I agree~ Too flirtatious~" Hisoka's voice rang out as he strode into the room, work out gear on.

"It was a clean kill. At least that, we can be proud of." Illumi followed behind, holding Banji's hand. "Speaking of, Banji did very well in training today. I think she will be very strong as she grows older."

Illumi eyed Anomi, who he knew was his own son, snuggling deep into Chrollo's lap. It was unusual, but he couldn't help but enjoy the sight. He deeply appreciated Chrollo treating Anomi as his own child.

"You know, I always wonder how we got so lucky as to have three pinkettes as children." Chrollo pointed out as the other three members of the family sat down. "Because now they can gang up against us non-pinkettes and start some kind of revolution."

"Yes, you better watch out!" Mina giggled as she tickled Nona. "Maybe that's where our strength comes from!"

It was a picturesque scene, with the entire family sitting on the floor, laughing and enjoying each other's company. And no one would have had it any other way.

AN: This is my one year anniversary of my very first fanfiction! I can't believe I have come so far in this short of time and I look back fondly at this book.

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