Chapter Seventeen

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The walk was long and boring. Mina tried to make it more exciting, by touching and teasing Chrollo, but he wasn't really in the mood. Not that he stopped her, he just wasn't interested in going further. Instead, he was researching the next heist. He wasn't really sure what he should get. He found himself looking at the naughty pinkette, wondering what she would like. I should get her something. Women like gifts. So he asked.

"Mina, if you could have any object in the world, what would it be?"

"A Ben's Knife."

Chrollo stopped what he was doing and looked at her strangely.


"I know someone I'd like to give it to. Someone who has helped me a lot."

He deflated. Not exactly what he wanted to hear. He wasn't actually sure what he had wanted to hear, but maybe something more along the lines of "I don't need anything but your love, Chro!" in her cute, cheerful voice.

"I suppose we could gather a few. They are worth a lot of money." It was better than nothing, he supposed. They had so much stuff right now, that he hesitated to go after anything large.

He stared out the window of the air ship, wondering how the others would react to her. He would soon find out, as their ship had about fifteen minutes until landing.


"Yes, Mina?"

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not."

"Are too! I've been trying to seduce you this whole air ship ride. You spent the money for private seats and all you've done is research on your phone."

"I apologize, Mina. I don't mean to make you feel ignored, I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. You'll be fine."

"I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about you."

"Can't I just hold you until we land, Mina?"

"Of course, Chro! I just thought maybe you'd want to do it alone before we met up with Morou-sama."

"Don't forget to change either, Mina. I'm sure your cat outfit will not help you win over the troupe. Please try to look grown up."

"Ugh, well you better be ready for a snuggle when I get back."

Mina left grumpy. What does he mean, 'look grown up'? I am grown up. How can I look anything but?

She headed his words however. She slid on a black tank top, black mesh arm bands, black jeans so ripped there was barely anything there and pulled her hair into a high ponytail. Lastly, she painted a small diamond on her forehead to match Hisoka and Chrollo. To declare that she was theirs.

Returning to Chrollo, she huffed and sat on his lap.

"Grown up enough for you?" Mina asked. Tracing over her body with his fingers, Chrollo examined the rapid change that had been from cutie-pie Mina, to sexy Mina.

"...Maybe a little too grown-up. I barely recognize you."

Mina growled and snuggled in closely to Chrollo.

It wasn't long before the ship reached the dock and all passengers disembarked.

Slowly, but surely the pair made their way to the hide-out. As they entered, Mina came across a sight that she was not happy to see.

Hisoka was hovering over Machi, shamelessly flirting, causing Mina to project a nasty aura. That aura however, went almost unnoticed compared to everyone else's.

Suddenly though, everyone's eyes were on Mina.

"Danchou..." Machi ignored Hisoka and walked up closely to Chrollo. Too close for Mina. "What's this thing and why is it here?" She laid a hand on his arm, causing Mina to flare up.

"I'm not a thing. My name is Mina, and Chrollo brought me here."

"It doesn't belong here, Danchou. It looks weak. I say get rid of it." Just as Machi's hand reached up towards Chrollo, an unknown force knocked her down. She felt her body grow cold as she realized that it was Mina on top of her, and it was Mina with her hand around her heart.

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