My First Time In Stage Crew Stories

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   Funny story time so my first day of stage crew when I first got stationed behind stage to watch the kids and help with set changes Jade was giving me directions on what I was to do and she said "You have to shush the kids feel free to use tape." Of course she was joking but she held up a roll of packing tape that I was going to use to tape kids mouths shut (again not really it was just a joke).

   My I think last day of stage crew I didn't do the full time working on that play for many reasons mostly cause at the time they thought I wanted a part in the play and the cast was full. But anyway, I sat down by Jade who was sitting in the all powerful staff chair. So backstage there's a lot of room when most of the kids are on stage otherwise it's crammed so they take stage tape and make little tape outlines of boxes for kids to sit in so the kids walking off stage don't step on people backstage but the staff chair and a tape out line inside was the chair a music stand with the script so the crew can see when set changes are and a table that has a note in bold letters that says "IF YOUR UNDER THE AGE OF 14 YOU CAN'T TOUCH THIS DESK OR ANYTHING ON IT" but Jade thought it was weird that I liked sitting by the chair so much but it was cause I like having my own privet space that few people are a allowed in and only Abigail Jade and Caleb would go in there so I liked it. Jade also wrote threatening notes about not messing with props and the prop table she was the person that got after the kids the most for sitting on the sets there not supposed to. I was very glad that the kids didn't come to me for help with problems in the dressing rooms or something only when I was sitting by the script cause I had nothing else to do cause I was there from 11 or 12 to 3:45.

   Another thing that happened on my last day I had nothing to do backstage cause we finished dress rehearsal and we had an hour left and the kids were getting out of their costumes. Note the dressing rooms they leave the doors open so they mix genders so kids have to wear something under their clothes so they can change in front of people. This is mainly cause so people can make sure there not hanging out in the dressing room and cause there typically a lot of kids in the cast so to separate them would make one of the room crowded and also they can have huge age gaps in cast members and another thing to throw out there for the comfort and sacirity of transgender kids. But anyway when they kids are in the dressing rooms the rest of the stage crew go wonder and help with things until we have to get back stage again so I just sit on the bench outside the dressing rooms to make sure there's no problems, but one of the girls she used to go to my school but I changing schools (I can't spell her name so I'm gonna call her Lona cause that's part of her name) Lona pulled out the chair under the piano (the dressing room closest to back stage is also a music room) got on top of it and started singing lion king music. And cause almost all the kids in this play had been in lion king before this play they sang along and Devan came walking down the hall (she wrights the dance steps for dances in the play I know what it's called just can't spell it) she heard the music and looked at me and said, "Oh my their singing lion king." And I just started to laugh a little at her reaction cause she clearly did not want to walk by while they were singing. I'll probably have more stories like this cause I'm probably gonna help with the play Fame in a little bit. It's gonna be a little less exhosting cause it's gonna be 13-18 not 8-13 Until next update~Asher

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