Smelly Kitten

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   So a week ago I woke up at my regular 6:30-7:30 to take care of Jiji and Leo at the time it was the day after we started weaning little Leo so I knew he'd be hungry but as soon as I opened the door it smelled horrible Leo and thrown up around 5 times and pooped on the floor we thought he'd be fine the next day but his poop problem got worse he had just pure water poop and wouldn't go in the litter box so we finally took him to the vet they gave him subqtanius fluids and proscribed Jiji and Leo some medicine to kill a bacteria they might have been carrying they sent Leo home thinking he'd be fine but his watery poop continued and he didn't gain any weight in 2 days and not really eating so we again took him in and they ended up figuring out he had a problem with anal gland so they had to proscribe a 7 day antibiotic for him and its seemed to do they trick he's getting close to 1 1/2 lbs and fully weaned onto wet food and hoping to be living off of dry by 8 weeks.

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