Leave Them

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   I found a suspected house sparrow they were about 5 days old me and my brother and I named him Phineox they lived almost 24 hours in our care a civilian found him on the sidewalk and told my dad about Phineox and my dad got me and I took them home in any situation it would've been best to be put back with their mom but we think they were thrown out of the nest cause they was found 4 feet away from the nest on the ground and if they'd simply fallen from the next they'd landed right under the nest.

Baby birds usually should NEVER be taken home it's illegal unless its an invasive spieces and their parents do better jobs than any person could. But where I live the only birds you'd legal be able to take care of legally are house sparrows and European starlings all other birds you either have to but them back in the nest even if it's abandoned take them to a wildlife reabilitation center or just leave them where they are. And if you take a bird that you think or know is an invasive spieces to a reabilitator they'd probably have to have it put to sleep since it's not supposed to be there anyway. And if you find any bird on the ground and it has almost all it's adult feathers it's most likely a fledgling their to be under any circumstances unless mortally injured or are in potential danger (if in danger put it somewhere  safer but still ssomewhere it's mom can find it) left alone they purposefully fall to the ground in an attempt to fly or the nest is to full they'll forage for food and teach themsleves to fly their mom will still bring them food until their a fully feldge adult.

If you end up taking a baby bird home take them to the nearest reabilitaton center if there close do not attempt to feed unless its very weak but warm it up first nestlings need a body temperature roughly 105 to a 107 F if I remember correctly you can use something called a snuggle safe disk but you'll want to put a thick but thin blanket on the disk and cover the birds body Sept the head to keep it warmer and to simulate their mom is on top of then. Do not ever give a baby bird water the bird with drown they get hydration from their food they can go roughly 24 hours without any food. Keep the bird warm and take it to a center as soon as they open it's the birds best chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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