2; 국이 (BTS Jungkook)

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Jeon Jung Kook

The Jeons and my family have gathered at our place for a dinner together - a habit that has grown through the years between our families. I had been preparing since early in the afternoon and in addition to this, the never-ending interaction with the Jeons made me exhausted even before dinner started.

The back door opened but I was too busy mixing the batter for the cupcakes that I didn't notice an all too familiar voice calling my name.

"Y/N! Hello?? Anybody in there?" My childhood friend waved his hand in front of me, smiling. He had grown so much, in the span of a year. His arms had obviously gotten muscular, he seemed taller than ever before, he's becoming even more manlier, but the sparkle in his eyes hasn't changed one bit ever since I met him when we were both three.

"Jungkook! You made it!" I exclaimed, throwing myself into his arms, his warm embrace making me feel safe and secure. The both of us talked for a brief moment when my mom called out from the dining room "Time for dinner!"

The rest of our families had already managed to take all the seats except the two chairs nearest to the windows. Jungkook held out a hand pointing to the two chairs and I guided my way through the chatting party.

Halfway through dinner, I noticed Jungkook's older brother sending obvious winks to my seat mate's direction, not to mention he had also been kicking Jungkook's shin for a couple of times already.

I didn't think those would imply anything since the conversation on the table had focused on Jungkook's rising fame and his increasing attention from the ladies as a member of BTS who had just celebrated their fourth anniversary.

"So.." my dad cleared his throat "...any special lady in your heart, Jungkook?"

"Surely you've met plenty of beautiful women while traveling the world, right?" Mom added as I smiled at the comment, proud that my childhood friend has gone a long way from being a trainee to a worldwide superstar now.

As Jungkook was about to open his mouth to reply, his hyung answered for him. "Of course, omeonim! And she's been in his mind for a while now. Am I right or am I right, Kookie?" He smirked as Jungkook sent a glare in his direction.

"Oh by the way, congratulations on your graduation, Y/N!" Jungkook's mom interjected which surprisingly resulted in Jungkook exhaling deeply.

"Yes, thank you eomonim!" I answered enthusiastically.

"Is there anything you're planning to take up at the university, dear? I heard you got into one of the best universities in the country!"

"Uhm I'm planning on majoring in business, eomonim." I replied, wearing a proud smile.

Before I knew it, dinner was over and my brother was dragging me towards the living room "Come on Y/N! We're taking a trip down memory lane!" He chuckled.

He sat me down on the sofa and they've already started playing a video I've only watched once but was far more embarrassing than anything I've ever experienced. I bit my lip trying to hide my embarrassment and any hint of dignity left in my body. I turned to see Jungkook watching the screen intently. 'We're both going to die of humiliation after this video' I thought to myself as I covered my eyes with one hand.

The video showed Jungkook and I playing around the community park and after a minute of running around, the two of us sat down on a bench, exhausted.

My six-year-old self side hugged Jungkook and leant on his shoulder "Hey Kookie..." I started off poking his barely visible dimple "...you're the bestest person I know. I'm gonna say I love you. Even more than my brother." I whispered the last part, scared that my brother, who was also playing nearby, would hear the conversation.

"I love you too Y/N." he replied, and after a long pause, he said "I think we are married now. Mommy said two people who love each other are married." He giggled

By this time, Jungkook had put his hood down to completely cover his flustered face and I was doing the same with my hands; however, contrary to both of our reactions, the rest of our families seemed to enjoy the clip, laughing at our cute innocence. I excused myself to get some water  while Jungkook slowly crawled somewhere away from civilization, both of us unknowingly headed to the kitchen.

I jumped slightly as I heard someone sigh deeply beside me, it was Jungkook.

"Hey, Y/N..." he trailed off, both of us not making eye contact. "Can I talk to you outside?" I just make a small nod and head towards the back door. A small gazebo had recently been set up at our backyard and he led me to the cute romantic space.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I asked him, my eyes wandering around the small gazebo now slightly covered with vines and a few flowers here and there.

"Yeah just like you..." he whispered.

"What?" testing if I heard him correctly even though I just did, loud and clear. I grinned inwardly, giddy because I've had an on and off crush on him for the longest time and at this moment the feelings resurfaced, now that he's back for a short break.

"N-Nothing..." he stuttered. No wonder girls fall for this cutie.

Jungkook cleared his throat and said "Y/N, I've been wanting to tell you this for quite sometime now. I've had a crush on you for God knows how long, and hyung  has been pressuring me to confess to you for almost a year now and honestly there are so many girls that we meet but I don't know why your image always comes to mind and you've grown up to be such a lovely girl and--" he babbled on but I couldn't hold my feelings back either so I placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I-I uh what I mean um what just d-did you j-just..." he blushed a deep scarlet. He stared at me with wide eyes. He blinked twice before asking "Y/N, can I hug you?"

"You're too cute, Kookie." you smiled as you neared him with arms open wide.

"Promise me you'll wait for me?" he asked while attaching a silver necklace to your neck. You just nodded your head as you snuggled even more to his chest.


A/N: Y'all I feel like the ending was too abrupt I'm sorry HAHAHAHAH

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