14; 잭슨 (Got7 Jackson)

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Jackson Wang

"You are seriously going to regret this Y/N."

"You're the one who brought me here in the first place. I have nothing to lose." You laughed him off, while clinging onto his arm. Jackson decided that the both of you hadn't spent much time together recently seeing that he had a very tight schedule and you were busy with the small restaurant you opened a few months ago, so he brought you to an amusement park. Unfortunately, every ride at the park seemed to have taken a piece of Jackson's soul with it, much to yours and his dismay. The Viking, the ride that you guys were previously on, resulted in your upper arm forming a new bruise because Jackson's fingers had squeezed it so tightly that the blood couldn't have circulated properly and reached your lower arm.

You guys were next in line at the rollercoaster and by this time he had given out at least a dozen propositions just to get you off the line. He had offered to treat you samgyupsal for a month, or a year supply of chicken nuggets, and in fact, he also proposed that he'd buy you the Gucci handbag you've always wanted, and a bunch of other ridiculous stuff to no avail. You said 'no' to each and every offer, fighting the temptation to give in.

"Seriously Jackson, it's just a ride."

"Seriously Y/N, it's just the death of me." He replied, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. Jackson was getting paler by the second and he looked like he was going to pass out from all the anxiety. You placed a hand on his back and started to rub circles to calm him down.

The rollercoaster cars finally arrived back at the station and waited for your turn to board the ride. The ride conductor ordered the both of you to sit at the first car, causing Jackson to mutter a string of profanities under his breath. He clutched your hand tightly as the harnesses went down and he heaved a sigh.

All throughout the ride, Jackson was either screaming his heart out or coughing his lungs out. You, on the other hand, lost all focus on the ride, laughing loudly at Jackson's reactions. The ride ended way before you even caught your breath and got off the cars. Jackson was staring off in the distance and you started laughing again at his state. He looked at you with pouted lips and you stood at your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Blood suddenly rushed to his previously pale cheeks and you smiled at his cuteness.

"I had fun Jackson. Thank you for riding the rollercoaster with me." You tilted your head to the side.

"Well thank God, because if you didn't..." he trailed off, sighing.

"Exactly. I had fun, so let's go for another round!" you clapped your hands excitedly.

"No please Y/N! How many times do you have to kill me?" he pleaded as you dragged him to the end of the line for another round at the rollercoaster. 

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