16(A); Rivals (Kim Seokjin)

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It had only been a year since you had gathered enough money to set up your dream gourmet restaurant in Gangnam, and so far, your year-old booming business was doing great - unfortunately, just as well as your rival restaurant that opened only a month after you started.

It was owned by the one and only Kim Seokjin whose guts you hated so much for some unknown reason, maybe because he was just as talented as you were in cooking, or maybe it's because of his dazzling smile... - you were intimidated, almost.

You sat at a table with your friends and colleagues by the window, still at awe with the wonderful view of Seoul and its city lights. You were one of the two youngest nominated for the best gourmet chef in South Korea, the other one, well, you didn't dare mention his name.

You smirked as you saw your friend's eyes trailing after someone who walked by your table.

"Still on the lookout, Sammy?" you chuckled, earning a couple of laughs from the table. Your friend had been single for almost a year, and the lack of interaction with the opposite sex was finally getting to her.

"Someone's quite the looker over there," she replied nodding towards a man's direction. There he was, the infamous Kim Seokjin, chatting happily with another man. You let your eyes linger for a while on him gesticulating wildly and his companion seemed to be as animated as he was.

Sammy wasn't wrong at all, though. It was true - Kim Seokjin was a definite ten, a twenty even. As much as you hated to admit it. But since he put up a gourmet restaurant right in front of yours, you were determined that there should be nothing else but business matters between you two.

You worked your ass off for years, even travelling from country to country to earn experience, and the last thing you needed was a distraction.

You ended your train of thoughts, scared that it might lead to you imagining something else. The host cleared his throat by the mic, and everybody turned their attention back to the stage.

"Now for our most awaited part of our party tonight - the awarding ceremony." The ceremony went on, and the hosts continued to give out awards for renowned chefs who came from all over the country.

"For our final award tonight," the host started off, and you felt your heart thumping out of your chest. "Wow, everyone, this is the first time this happened in all of GCAEA history," the other host beamed, thrilled at the events unfolding before her. "My dear colleagues, we have a tie!"

Your grip on your clutch was already loosening when you heard the host say "For our gourmet chefs of the year, we have Kim Seokjin and ___! The youngest of the nominees! Congratulations!" It was unbelievable, you were still seated, mouth agape at the result until you felt a light tap on your shoulder.

Of all the people that attended the ceremony, you looked back to see Seokjin offering his hand. Not wanting to make a fuss in such important event, you took it and forced a smile to your face. As you left the table, some of your colleagues were already gushing about how much of a gentleman he was, and Sammy wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at you.

The brief walk towards the stage was very awkward - you for the most part. The man who accompanied you seemed to enjoy the attention and praise being given to him as he bowed and clapped the whole way. You on the other hand was a mess, internally. You nearly tripped over someone's clutch, so your grip on Seokjin's arm tightened, and you couldn't forget the fact that you felt his well-developed muscles underneath his suit.

As the both of you recieved the award and gave out your respective speeches, the lady host turned to you and whispered "If you guys aren't dating yet, would you let me steal him?" she nodded towards Seokjin and you whispered back, smiling "Oh we aren't dating. He's all yours." and you swore you saw Seokjin's face fall a little.

"Alright people gather up," you called out from near the dining tables, clapping your hands together to get all of your employees attention and briefly eyeing the restaurant right across the street.

Out of the blue, Seokjin came out of the restaurant and greeted his customers waiting in line. Then, he did the most unimaginable thing ever - he waved and smiled in your direction, as if he could see through the tinted glass. Or could he? You took a mental note to have your glass windows tinted again.

You turned your back to the door and faced your employees, still surprised from your neighbor's sudden gesture. You did your usual routine with your employees, getting ready for the day.

It was almost six in the evening, and your maître d'hôtel, Daniel, came to kitchen looking for you. "Miss __, Mr. Boucher requested for you to accompany him during dinner."

You were taken aback by the news, not only did a famous food critic and renowned cook come to your restaurant, but he was also one of your best mentors and his visit would've meant only great news.

"You're invited to the Asian Gourmet Chefs Conference in the Philippines next month." his thick French accent ringing in your ears. You took another sip of the wine you had tucked under your arm on the way out of the kitchen, knowing that Mr. Boucher loved a good drink with his meals.

"You know I wouldn't miss that for the world, but why do I have to go with him?" You let out an annoyed huff, cringing at the thought of traveling to another country and having to work together as team with Seokjin.

"You were both chosen by the high-ups, __," he replied, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "And besides, you really haven't spoken to each other, and I assure you, he's a really great guy."

"But he-" you started, but Mr. Boucher cut you off "Come on ___. Just for three days!" he looked at you with a look that didn't take no for an answer.

"Great! Your ticket and hotel booking has probably arrived at your apartment by now. See you again soon!" and with that, he scurried away and left the establishment.

Seokjin was thankfully quiet the whole flight to the Philippines. He seemed to have noticed that you were exhausted to the bones after spending half of the day back at your restaurant, reminding your staff of the meal courses and a few other notes for handling the restaurant during the next couple of days.

The ride to the hotel was equally awkward as the first time you met each other at the airport, and you wanted nothing more than to lay on your bed and sleep the night away. As you tiredly stood in the elevator, eyelids drooping from exhaustion, Seokjin turned to you and said softly "You seem to be really tired, ___. I hope you get plenty of rest tonight and I'm sure we'll do a great job at this convention." When did his voice become so angelic?

"Uh yeah, of course. Good luck to us!" you chuckled, gently pumping your fists in the air. His heart warmed at the gesture, surprised that your usually fierce demeanor was completely gone as you stood beside him.

As you tapped your key card by the door handle, you found yourself bidding him a good night, "Sleep tight, Jinnie." you waved, and as you closed the door behind you, you had wondered why the hell did you call him such a nickname, and how was he really that gorgeous up close, and should you be wondering why he didn't choose to be an idol with such sweet voice? But you didn't have much time to ponder since you had collapsed on the bed and fell asleep instantly, Jin's voice ringing in your ears.

This is going to be a long weekend. 

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