8; 국이 (BTS Jungkook)

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"Pretty please, babe?"

I sighed, giving in. Jungkook knew I could never resist that look on his face. He had been begging me to come with him to play laser tag with him and the rest of BTS since it was their day off. Kookie had even made sure to skype with all his hyungs to assure me that me tagging along to their game would be alright.

"It'll be fun, I promise." He clapped his hands cheerfully as I put my coat on. He held out his hand to connect with mine and we went out my apartment and to his car. Around five minutes into driving, the intro to Fire came up and I started clinging onto his arm.

"If you don't stop that, we're going to get into an accident!" He gave me the side eye, while I wiggled around to the rhythm.

I came back to all seriousness when Suga's part came on and faked a deep voice "Bultaoreune...FIREEEEE" I screamed out the lyrics with laughs in between. "It's your song! How could you stay so quiet?" I asked over the loud music.

"Only because you're already loud enough." he muttered.

"How 'bout you guys divide into two teams?" the guy suggested, and got a chorus of "yeahs" as an answer.

"Okay Jungkook, Tae, Suga hyung, and I will be in one team." Namjoon announced. "That leaves us with the best ones then." Jimin smirked.

The lights finally went off and I whispered in Jungkook's ear "Catch me if you can, babe." He turned to look at me and I added a tiny wink before we all ran inside the arena to get to our respective bases.

"Alright listen up..." Jin huddled us together for a game plan. "Y/N and Jimin, you guys will be the frontliners. Hoseok, you try and steal the other team's flag, and I'm going to protect our base."

"The game begins in 5...4...3..." a voice boomed throughout the arena.

I traveled quietly from column to column, scanning from left to right looking for a dimly lit-up vest. Gotcha. I shot Taehyung from the back hitting the bull's eye and hid behind a column. I peeked over to see if he was trying to look for the person who shot him. Instead, I found him staring all over the arena, gaping at the glow-in-the-dark murals and graffiti sprayed all over the place. Seriously what is going on in this kid's head?

I was about to shoot him again when somebody dragged me backwards while covering my mouth. He pushed me into a corner and placed his hand above my shoulder and the other with his gun.

"Teasing me before the game wasn't playing fair." He breathed out, our bodies so close I could faintly hear his heart pumping rapidly, matching mine.

"Wha-" I got cut off by his lips suddenly on mine, my knees getting weaker by the second. Oh the things only Jungkook can do to me. He grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me even closer to him only to deepen the kiss. Then I suddenly felt something poking my vest. "Kookie..." I pulled away from the kiss and looked down only to see his gun pointing straight to the bull's eye on my vest. He smirked and shot me thrice, scoring 1500 points at once. He ran away laughing and screamed "Catch me if you can, babe." and briefly looked back to throw a wink.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

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