9; 호비 x 윤기 (BTS Hobi & Suga)

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정호석 x 민윤기
Hobi and Yoongi

Hobi's POV

I'm gay. As fuck.

Well there are really no really counters for how strong you are attracted to the same sex so I guess the term as fuck would've been sufficient. I mean, who wouldn't be gay for the one and only Min Yoongi? That boy is a definite 10 – the way he licks his lips when he finishes a verse, or the way his gummy smile shows after Seokjin hyung humiliated himself on national television because of a dad joke, heck even the way he swears at any of us when someone tries to wake him up is super sexy.

And I'm going to say that I am the luckiest person in the world because Min Yoongi is my boyfriend. But what's life without a little risk, right?

Word came out to my family that I was currently in a relationship, but them being the traditional family that they are, they're expecting I'm dating a girl. Seriously. It's really hard not to develop feelings for the guy, especially when you live in the same dorm, and I get to see his pale, milky skin, and other stuff.

My mom decided that we needed to have a family dinner, since it's been a while since we've last seen each other, and here I am stressing out how am I supposed to bring a guy when they're expecting the complete opposite?

"Hobi, you okay?" the older one crouched down and looked at my frowning face.

"Yeah. I'm good." I shot him a smile.

"Still thinking about that family dinner, huh?" he sat beside me, leaning on my shoulder. Dang it, he knew me too well. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I received a message from my older sister providing me with the best idea I've ever seen in my entire life.

The day I've been dreading finally came. "Ready to meet my parents?" I smiled when I turned around to look at Yoongi.

"Our parents, Hobi. I'm still here." Dawon waved at me as I rang the doorbell. I suddenly heard Mom's voice ringing throughout the house, ah she never changed. She opened the door for the three of us and smiled warmly.

"Oh you're here!" She squealed as she pulled me and Dawon into a tight hug, then she looked over my shoulder to see Yoongi behind me.

"And you must be...?"

"My boyfriend." Dawon interjected smiling brightly. I cringed at her words. How did she get so good at acting nowadays? I'm not sure if I'm already regretting my agreement to her idea but it was the only way Yoongi was to meet my parents, and I had to do it, one way or another.

"My name is Yoongi, eomonim. It's nice to finally meet you." He bowed curtly. Mom smiled a bit, already impressed with his manners. That's my man.

"How about your girlfriend Hobi?" My mom turned to me.

I had subconsciously wiped beads of sweat that formed at my forehead and replied "He-- I mean she couldn't make it today. She'd fallen ill." He's right in front of you, mom.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she gets well soon." She frowned. "Wait I never caught her name, Hoseok!"

I loved my mom but why did she have to ask all these question at this time? "Her name's... it's um Yeongji." I breathed out, taking a seat on one of the couches. Yoongi sat next to me and whispered "Yeongji, really?" and snickered.

Dinner had gone quite smoothly, contrary to what I had in mind. It had started to rain the moment dinner was served so Mom suggested that we stay the night so we won't have to deal with the terrible weather. Dawon and my mom had gone to the kitchen to wash the dishes and dad turned to us. "You and Dawon may be over 20 but I'm still not going to allow you together in the same room, alright?" He pointed to Yoongi.

"Of course, sir."

"Good to know we're on the same page. You're going to have to stay with Hoseok tonight then. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Dad placed a hand on my shoulder.

Oh I definitely wouldn't mind.

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