The dreams

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You're walking through a grass field where trees sway in the breeze and birds sweetly sing. You embrace the moment as you walk. You take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. You fall to the ground as you yell out in pain. What the hell happened? You look down at your leg and see a dagger with a golden handle. You take a deep breath before taking the dagger out with a yelp of pain. You look at the dagger and see a pink mustache towards the tip of the golden blade. You look around until you see a figure in the distance. You can't see who or what it is, so you squint your eyes until you can see. "W-Wilford" you whisper to yourself with a shocked expression. The next thing you hear is a deep, but silly chuckle.

You shoot up with a gasp and breathing heavily. "Dammit. That's the 10th one this month" you mumble to yourself. You look at your clock to see that its only 3:17 am. You swing your legs to the side of the bed. You slowly breathe in and out before getting out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. You stare at your reflection for awhile before saying "Get your shit together, (Y/N)". You then sigh and turn on the faucet. You splash your face and wipe your eyes with a rag. You look up from the sink and into the mirror. In your mirror you see something shocking. Wilford is right behind you. You close your eyes and open them again because you think you're hallucinating or just paranoid by your dream. To your surprise he's still there. You hear a deep chuckle before he leans into your ear. " I'm still here. Turn around" he whispers to you. You stare into the mirror in shock, while deciding if you should actually turn around. After a couple of seconds, you turn around to see Wilford smirking at you.

"Has to be a dream. Not real. Wake up" you mumble to yourself (Oh yea you talk to yourself. The dreams kinda made you slightly go crazy. Anyway, back to the story). "All real, kitten" he says with a deep, but slightly goofy voice. You look at the door behind him, while trying to find an escape route. You slowly reach for the handle as he stares into your eyes. They're so mesmerizing. His pupils were hot pink. You stay focused as you open the door and run out the bathroom. Due to you being slightly crazy and paranoid, you keep a knife under your pillow. You run to your bed and quickly grab the knife. You flip the pocket knife open as you slowly back up against the wall, while Wilford walks up to you shaking his head with a smirk. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. We both know that you're not planning on using that" he says. "Now give me one reason why I shouldn't use it" you say seriously. "Put it down, (Y/N)" he says firmly. How does he know my name, you think. While, you're distracted by that thought he runs and pushes you against the wall, while holding your arms up. The knife falls from your hands.

"Let me go" you say. "Oh..hmm...let me think...No" he says back and chuckles. You lift your leg and kick his..manly hood as he yells out and falls to his knees. "You BITCH!!" he yells out as you run over and try to pick up the knife, but before you reach it you feel a strong hand grip your leg and you feel a sharp pain. "FUCK" you yell out as you look down to see the dagger from your dream in your leg. "It was an accident. I swear" Wilford says before laughing. Before you can take the dagger out, he grabs your hand and snaps his fingers. Next thing you know, pink smoke surrounds the both of you and you pass out.


Hello! I've read many of fanfics with Wilford and Dark, but the main character (you) never fights back! Like what the hell. So I wanted to give you some defense instead of you getting your ass beat. I will see all of you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!

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