The Escape

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[(Y/N) P.O.V]

     The shock soon faded and I just stood there looking at a man. There was a chain connecting his ankle to a wall. The chain was fairly long, but not long enough for him to reach the door. I tilt my head slightly to the side and study his features. He looks like Dark, but his skin isn't as pale and his eyes are a nice blue tint. He keeps trying to speak but can't. I step toward and squat in front of him. "Can you speak," I ask him. He shakes his head no. "Can you understand me," I ask and he responds with a nod. He keeps trying to gesture something to me. He keeps pointing behind me and I turn my head and see a file cabinet. I look back at him and he sticks up two fingers. I walk over to the file cabinet and open the second drawer.

     Inside I find a jar and a box. I pick them both up and walk over to him. I kneel down and place the items to my side. He points to the jar that has a blue like misty liquid in it and I slide it over to him. I don't know why I'm helping some random person that Wilford probably captured, but I have nothing to lose. I couldn't care less if he kills me right here on the spot and it doesn't look like he's in good enough shape to cause any harm. He proves my point as he struggles to open the jar. I open it for him and he drinks from the jar. I just watch in confusion. Once he's done he starts coughing. "Uh are you Ok," I ask. "Almost. Thank you for helping me, but I need one more favor from you. Can you get the key from that box and unlock my chain," he pleads in a sick, raspy voice. I just shrug and do it. He scrambles to his feet and rushes over to the left side of the room. I turn my head and see another man. I stand up and slowly walk over there, but keep my distance. "Light! Light wake up we're okay, we're saved," he says while shaking the man laying motionless on the ground.

     After a few seconds of silence, the man on the ground shoots up from his laying position and is now sitting up. "Light! You're okay. We're okay," the man I first helped exclaims. "Who is she," "Light" lightly asks (pun intended). I begin speaking but the first man I helped interrupts me by saying, "Escape now. Introductions later. I'm so sorry (Y/N). You must be confused. Don't worry I'll explain once we leave," he says as he grabs Light's and my hands. How does he know my name? Blue smoke surrounds the three of us and we disappear.


     Heylo! So I don't know if you guys are going to enjoy this story because at the time I'm writing this I have 0 views, votes, and comments so yea hope you guys like it at some point in my life. Anyway I'm rambling so as always: Thank you for reading. I will see all of you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!

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