New Housemates

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     [(Y/N) P.O.V]

     I decide to finally leave the room. I can't hide out in here forever, right? I walk out of the room and decide to look around the huge house. Possibly a mansion. The corridor is filled with doors with all types of carved designs on them. I decide that I should look though the rooms another day and I walk down the long spiral stairs. Once I get to the bottom of the stairs... GEEZ! When I said the house was amazing and big, I truly mean it. I stand there and look around in complete shock and awe, before he ruins it.

     Ugh. Wilford slides into my view with the same devilish, manipulative, stop it... Don't think that. He is not sexy... Yet maybe he is. Anyway, with the same smirk he always has on his face. I honestly don't think he has any other facial expressions. I'm immediately snapped out of my daze when he begins to speak.

     "Hello, baby girl. Today, I have a few people over, and I won't let you go unnoticed. Their in the dining room, sitting at the table, enjoying a little chat. So, what you're going to do is behave and sit there and don't speak to any of them, unless I give permission," He bluntly states with his usual smirk. I begin to say something, but he cuts me off, again. Jesus he won't even let me speak. "No time to negotiate. Let's go," he says before wrapping an arm around my waist and beginning to walk towards the dining room.

     Once we enter, I spot two men sitting at the table talking about lord knows what. One of them looks like Wilford, but without the pink moustache. This man is wearing all black with dark hair and a very muscular body. The other man is fairly small with green hair and a bloodstained neck. It only takes about two seconds for the two men to fall silent and look at us. We slowly walk over to the table and I just awkwardly smile at the two.

     We sit down and the green haired man begins to speak. "Who's the beauty," he asks in a thick Irish accent. "Watch it," Wilford says before saying, "This is my baby girl. Meaning she's mine. Meaning back off," he states tauntingly towards the green haired man. "Dark. The name's Dark," the dark haired man says. His deep, raspy voice sends chills down my spine. He's a very attractive man with an equally attractive voice. I stare a bit in awe before I catch Wilford giving the two of us the death glare. He probably sensed the fact that I found Dark attractive. The tension and awkwardness is soon interrupted. "And I'm" the Irish man begins, "Anti" he says with a bow and wink. I look at Wilford and he nods his head. "Nice to meet the both of you," I politely state.

     "These two are my long life pals. Known them for years, you know. We have our up and downs when it comes to making things clear about 'ownership'," he states and looks at Anti. "But all in all, I tolerate these two men and they kind of tolerate me," he says with a laugh. The three men around me begin to laugh as I just sit there. "Its getting late," Dark bluntly states. "I should get going" dark says. "Nonsense. Please. Stay a while. A few days. Maybe even weeks," Wilford suggests. "Oh. Well sure," Dark says. The rest of the night consists of me sitting in "Wilford and I's" room. Can't believe I share a room with him now. I rather stay in the basement. Wilford shows Dark and Anti to their rooms for the next...however long they decide to stay.

     How wonderful. Two new strangers that I'm forced to live with. What could possibly go wrong?


     Heylo! Author here, again. Ew I know right. Anywho this one was longer than the last one because I wanted to introduce some characters. What will happen next? Hmm I don't know. The answer awaits you in the next chapter. I will see all of you in the next chapter. Bye Bye!

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